Jusper Machogu/X
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African Farmer Attacked by BBC for “Denial of Man-made Climate Change”

by James Murphy

Reprinted with permission from TheNewAmerican.com

Kenyan farmer Jusper Machogu is exactly the type of person the climate cult likes to exploit: a small-scale farmer in Africa. Climate zealots like to proclaim that those in the Third World are uniquely at risk from the scourge of man-made climate change, and that we in the West must end our reliance on fossil fuels so that farmers like Machogu can continue to exist.

So, what do climate alarmists do when one of those they claim are most at risk from climate change not only ignores them, but actively advocates for his poor nation to have easy access to fossil fuels and the modern conveniences that we take for granted? They can’t help themselves — they and their willing accomplices in mainstream media must destroy him.

In a recent post on X, Machogu explained his feelings on the subject:

The attacks against my campaign are senseless. I want Fossil Fuels for Africa. I want Fossil Fuel fertilizer for my mum to replace backbreaking manure. I want my mum to have tap water. I want my mum to have a refrigerator someday. I want my mum to have access to a simple machine and others [sic] tractors to stop toil in Africa. I want reliable versatile energy for my people so they can add value to various products and industrialize. I want my people to have what the West has – prosperity! I want Fossil Fuels for my people. Fossil Fuels for Africa.

Such desires are just too much for aggressive climate zealots. The mainstream media, in this case the BBC, must be used to take this “far right extremist” down. Read Full Article >

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