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AI Can Now Clone Your Personality, Values And Preferences, Opening the Door for Scammers

by Jacob M. Thompson | Winepress News

A new paper published by researchers from Stanford and Google DeepMind reveals that an AI model can create a virtual replica of your personality and behavior from a two-hour interview that covers a plethora of topics about your life and beliefs, proving that AI can, within reason, create fairly accurate deepfake agents or “digital twins” to accomplish tasks at the behest of the individual. However, this research reveals how easily this extracted information can be used for malicious intent.

The research team recruited 1,052 participants who differed by age, gender, kindred, region, education, and political leanings. They were each paid a maximum of $100. Using AI models, the researchers were able to mimic the personalities of the participants. Participants and the newly created AI agents completed a number of personality tests, social surveys, and logic games, twice over two weeks apart.

The AI replicas were accurate 85% of the time compared to its living counterpart.

Joon Sung Park, a Stanford PhD student in computer science who headed the research, said in a comment:

If you can have a bunch of small ‘yous’ running around and actually making the decisions that you would have made—that, I think, is ultimately the future.

MIT Technology Review provided some of the other reasons why these agents would be helpful:

In the paper, the replicas are called simulation agents, and the impetus for creating them is to make it easier for researchers in social sciences and other fields to conduct studies that would be expensive, impractical, or unethical to do with real human subjects. If you can create AI models that behave like real people, the thinking goes, you can use them to test everything from how well interventions on social media combat misinformation to what behaviors cause traffic jams. Read Full Article >

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