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Censorship and Control: The Financial Forces Behind Western Information Wars

by David McLoone | LifeSite News

The censorship of dissenting views in Western societies over the last four years has raised questions about why governments, instead of serving the public, have attacked citizens not willing to comply with the official “narrative.”

One way to shed light on the reasons why is to follow the money: examine the financial incentives rather than what the state’s motives are. The latter often remains opaque. Those with malign or sinister intentions are rarely honest about what they are doing; often they even lie to themselves.

Big Pharma’s profiteering from manipulating health agencies and the media has been well documented, but a far bigger revenue stream is U.S. military spending, which is stratospheric. It is estimated that the annual outlays come to about $1.5 trillion (USD), double the reported figure. It is twice what the U.S. Congress spends annually on all non-military purposes combined. Read Full Article >

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