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Censorship Noose Tightens Across West with Biden White House, Trudeau’s Canada, EU Bureaucrats

by Greg Piper | Just The News

When the Supreme Court reversed a preliminary injunction against several federal agencies and officials for “coerc[ing] or significantly encourag[ing] a platform’s content-moderation decisions,” the ideologically hybrid majority concluded that well-documented federal pressure to censor government-disfavored narratives was unlikely to recur.

Justice Samuel Alito, joined by justices Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas, scolded his colleagues for their perceived credulity. The high court just provided “an attractive model for future officials who want to control what the people say, hear, and think,” he wrote.

The Biden administration, which a top Democratic senator said resumed communications with tech platforms “roughly around the same time” of oral argument at SCOTUS, may be implementing that model – and it has company in the European Union and Canada.

The White House recently appointed a censorship advocate to the office known for repeatedly giving marching orders to social media platforms on content the White House dislikes, then browbeating them for resisting or not moving fast enough and not giving President Biden preferential treatment.

Andy Volosky said he joined the White House on July 8, leaving progressive campaign consulting firm Middle Seat, which as of Tuesday still listed him as “Senior Social & Texting Strategist”.

But he didn’t specify his White House position and deleted his LinkedIn profile – still linked from his personal website – after Fox News said it listed Volosky as deputy director in the Office of Digital Strategy. The report noted Volosky’s essay-length enthusiasm for then-President Trump’s blacklisting from major social media platforms in January 2021. Read Full Article >

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