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WHO’s Pulling the Strings? Covid Injections and the Internet of Bio-Nano Things, Part 4: Testing New Human Nodes of Connectivity

by Lissa Johnson, Daniel Broudy, and David A. Hughes | Propaganda In Focus

Abstract: Since human beings generally represent the most unpredictable element of any complex organisation, management techniques must be continually refined in the interest of maintaining the system. As we have discussed in Part 3, the major centres of power and influence in societies deploy every means available to involve as many citizens as possible in the global program of eventual submission to technocratic rule. Among them are secrecy and stealth achieved by rhetorical, technological and political sleights of hand, seemingly largely under the thinly but effectively veiled helmsmanship of the military-intelligence complex. Part 4, thus, introduces a critical discussion of the various post-WWII deceptions and official programs of clandestine experimentation that have commenced across time and across populations. In particular, we examine patterns of deception that illustrate the lengths to which governments continue to go, applying knowledge of lessons learned about medical and psychological testing on human subjects. Within this context of historical breaches of law and international agreements prohibiting such experimentation, we frame our analysis of the intracorporeal networks and bio/nano nodes of communication that now appear to be in development, and possibly under construction in biological lifeforms. We provide evidence that these and other transhumanist plans of the military-intelligence complex are grounded in tangible R&D, which is part of a long-standing public-private, military-corporate arrangement. Under that arrangement, dual use medical and lifestyle electronics pave the way for military-grade technological invasions, under the rubric of convenience and health. We examine the Covid injections against that backdrop, through the prism of microscopists around the world, whose findings we place in the context of vast literatures involving transhumanist technologies. Finally, we close by returning to the WHO, whose Pandemic preparedness treaty and International Health Regulation amendments are pending in May 2024, offering a public-private “health” theatre, with potentially profound implications not only for global power dynamics, but for a Brave New era of bio-nano, state-mandated “medicine”, as foreseen by the military-intelligence complex.


Since human beings are first and foremost social creatures, our natural and normal inclinations are to search for, identify, and connect with others of our kind. In the Bio/Nano Age, however, part of the problem of identifying our kind is identifying the various deceptions that work to obscure the many unnatural inclinations of those in power — of those who seek to create a world of social inversions, to establish a world of total abnormality “with entirely new conceptual categories for being and doing into which new and approved social creatures can comfortably fit. What can we do if these social connections are being made for us without our knowledge or consent? How can we discern and understand the new networks being formed inside us and around us which serve not humanity’s needs but, rather, the projects and plans of unelected transnational technocrats?

Legalising Human Experimentation and Medicalising Biowarfare

One way to understand how the ideology of transhumanism has slipped out of its dark “scientific” lab coat and contaminated social and biological forms of life is to trace the history of how policy is used both to reveal and veil intention. The response to “9/11,” for example, seemed largely determined by the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) of which Dwight D. Eisenhower had warned in 1961 — a huge but hidden entity of “unwarranted influence”[1] that maintains the status quo and the agents of state who protect it. What appears most evident in the wake of the Coronavirus event, however, is the emergence of another key interest closely guarded by the Complex — the manufactured concept of public health and “biomedicine” (fast becoming “nano-biomedicine”) as integral to the power and authority of those who maintain the status quo.

If the Cold War enabled the Complex to develop and test in various proxy wars a vast array of conventional armaments, the development of silent and unconventional weapons was hardly on anyone’s radar. To discern how the microscopic blips of clandestine weapons emerged on the R&D radar, we have to look to the 1990s. During this time, while the “peace dividend” promised by the fall of Soviet communism would be spent on dropping bombs in the Balkans throughout part of the 1990s, neoconservatives tended to the manufactured need to expand funding for the Complex. It is noteworthy however that during this time, the Clinton Administration, in its effort to “restore the confidence of the American people … that they could trust the US Government to tell the truth”[2], also came forward to apologise on behalf of previous governments for having conducted thousands of secret nuclear, biological, and chemical experiments over decades on unwitting citizens in the name of medical research and science.

President Clinton announced the results of a study that had examined declassified documents revealing how the

… government actually did carry out on [American] citizens experiments involving radiation, [and] that thousands of government-sponsored experiments did take place at hospitals, universities and military bases around [the] nation … to understand the effects of radiation exposure on the human body.[3]

Does this sort of subterfuge in government programs and policies sound familiar? Apart from the decades-long Tuskegee experiments, conducted by the CDC in the guise of medical research on Americans of African descent, Clinton noted that the radiation experiments carried out by the Department of Energy failed the nation’s test of character and the test of humanity as

… scientists injected plutonium into 18 patients without their knowledge …. [and] exposed indigent cancer patients to excessive doses of radiation, a treatment … carried out on precisely those citizens who count most on the government for its health — the destitute and the gravely ill.[4]

Nor were soldiers, sailors, or Marines, the very citizens government calls upon to defend the nation, spared from joining in secret experiments on themselves, having been denied the right of informed consent in the face of obvious breaches of the Nuremberg Code;[5] the Declaration of Helsinki;[6] the Geneva Conventions;[7] the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;[8] the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights;[9] and the Hippocratic Oath.[10, 11] Do these facts of history recall another more recent experiment into which citizen soldiers were coerced to take part[12] and whose accountability over effects in death and serious adverse events have, so far, remained tightly controlled?[13] The results of the Cold War era nuclear radiation tests on humans were classified and concealed, not for purposes of national security but for fear of embarrassment. Possible exposure to embarrassment (not to toxins, contagions, or poisons), however, appears to be a serious concern for governments keen to flout the ethical responsibilities put upon them by past treaties.

Following WWI, despite international accords (Geneva Protocols, 1925) signed by numerous nations to eradicate such morally appalling research,[14] clandestine development of chemical and biological weapons testing continued unabated. Researchers have hardly been surprised, therefore, by the evidence of plague-infected fleas used during the Korean War to spread deadly bacteria[15]. In the late 1970s, the US Army disclosed in declassified documents that from 1949 to 1969 it had conducted 239 secret open-air germ warfare experiments on population centres serving as “unknowing guinea pigs”.[16] The purported reason why such experiments were deemed justifiable was to “learn how to wage biological warfare and defend against it”.[17] The specious claim, thus, appears to serve as a template today for many forms of highly questionable dual-use R&D.

In claiming to enter, during the Clinton Administration, a new age of government transparency about the pervasiveness of past secret experiments, government elites have, nonetheless, continued exploiting legal loopholes and refining weapons systems for enacting new forms of regime-change warfare against what is evidently perceived to be opposing forces in civil society. In November 1996, the United States Congress achieved a brilliant sleight of hand by repealing the requirement of the DoD to report to the Congress its programs of chemical and biological testing and their effects on unwitting human subjects. Read Full Article

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