Military Operations in Civilian Disguise, Part 3: Bio-Nano Governance and Terms of Use for Humans 2.0
by Lissa Johnson, Daniel Broudy, and David A. Hughes | Propaganda In Focus
Abstract: Since government must be involved in the accumulation of capital to legitimate its activities, and since humans are, in the eyes of government, key resources, government must therefore be involved in activities that manage, control and increase the efficiency of these resources wilst at the same time fostering the spread of business. As we have outlined throughout Parts 1 and 2, history shows evidence of how the transhumanist movement has gained a foothold in society through government and business activities, in accordance with high-level military-intelligence forecasting and scenario planning, and how the global program may be viewed and understood as the only rational response to increasingly outdated humans who, save for the gift of high-tech bio/nano brain-chip upgrades, cannot compete against the machines. These kinds of sentiments, wrong as they are, are reflected in language output, which represents the centre of our thinking. Part 3, thus, introduces aspects of cognitive science as a way of examining more closely how centres of power conceptualise human beings and their environments as containers to be managed and controlled by authorities, and how these conceptualisations appear in language, in policy, and in practice. We make the case that behind the theatre of government, electoral politics and manufactured global crises, transhumanist battle-plans have been consistently enacted in policy and in governance, such that “democratic processes” do little more than provide civilian cover for military operations.
As we discussed throughout Part 2, official documents tell the story of a sustained, well-funded, and furtive military-intelligence campaign to transform the human being from a natural biological life-form possessing unalienable rights, agency, and sovereignty to a synthetically modified entity whose body and psyche are penetrated by the latest technological “enhancements”. Clever neologisms are, thus, needed to represent the imagined ontological states new to the human experience, to make these novel forms of existence acceptable in the ears and in the hearts of the submissive masses. The project begs the question: Are we really being parsed into totally new social categories as described in the Proteus papers?
One way to answer the question is to examine more deeply how language is used to legitimate practices of redefining humans and reengineering both biological and social systems. Since language is at the very centre of concept formation in humans,[1] it represents a key area of understanding how it reflects popular thinking about how and why certain actions are being taken in the real world — how and why such absurd social policies, for example, are crafted and for what ultimate aim.
In many countries today, official language policies directly reflect the thinking of those in power re-conceptualising the female as something other than what she has been for millennia — the very nucleus of human reproduction. The patriarchy, as it is commonly known today, pushing upon populations the policies of dividing the female into her constituent parts for invasion, commodification,[2] and financialisation [3] have had to invent clever new names to effectively camouflage the larger social program of dissociating the natural woman from her immense womanly powers. If the human is to become trans-human, those innate powers of (re)production must be subdued to make way for a world in which, according to a 2008 Proteus monograph:
… sex is no longer the only generative force; that honor will be shared by the technologies that create the singularity. The true unseen powers are not higherpowers per se, but the source of ESIs’ gifts and the networked links that connect them to that source.[4]
To pave the social and economic path toward new artificial generative forces, new artificial linguistic categories (i.e. uterus-havers)[5] are now under construction for the restructuring of the woman in our minds. The concept of the woman, known for millennia to be at the centre of various forms of social and cultural power, is being erased. In its place is the form of some ambiguous sexless other — fully stripped of her feminine charisma, faculties of reason, emotion and allure along with her additional powers of reproduction — the very crux of the long unsolvable problem for elites engaged in the work of reengineering the social world. Explaining the depraved logic of this official top-down assault against the body and the rational mind requires a pathology that can trace to its roots the kind of debased thinking now pervasive across the world.
For help in assessing the claimed necessity of recasting the human female into these new social and biological molds, we draw upon the work of George Lakoff and his classic argument which bolstered, at the time, ongoing research in cognitive science.[6] In Women, Fire and Dangerous Things (1985), Lakoff elaborates a fascinating aspect of human ability to process the plethora of sense data we encounter every moment of our lives and how we, thus, conceptualise what these data mean and how we might recognise and navigate the complex social world, survive and thrive.
“Categorization”, observed Lakoff, “is automatic and unconscious, and if we become aware of it all, it is only in problematic cases”, such as when politicians seek to rationalise and legitimate policies aimed at dispossessing people of their natural rights and abilities to reproduce their lives. Humans create mental classifications for the things we detect and perceive, and so our very words reflect the categories we put things and concepts into. In socially conditioning radical new beliefs and behaviours for a new dehumanised economic order, the trick is to re-engineer norms and concepts so thoroughly that only a new synthetic form of thought and speech will follow and become widely recognisable and acceptable — the default lingo unquestionable.
Theorising the Transhugenderman Category
Why, for thousands of years, were only men eligible to compete in certain sports and women in others? It was to the eye of reason and the principles of fairness that our forebears acknowledged key differences between the two genders — wo/man. One theory, in particular, has helped researchers grapple with the complex mental processes of forming common sense conclusions drawn from extrapolated sense data. Prototype Theory describes the sort of thinking that informs our decisions for how we go about categorising the multiplicity of natural phenomena we encounter.
The various taxonomies in the sciences, for example, are the result of human perception of objects and behaviours — such as reproduction — and our tendency to consider and categorise these phenomena. Theorists such as Brent Berlin, Paul Kay,[7] Eleanor Rosch, Barbara Lloyd,[8] Eugene Hunn,[9] Carolyn Mervis,[10] Barbara Tversky[11] and others have described an important level of human interaction with and recognition of the external environment located in gestalt perception, mental imagery, and motor movements. At this level of perception, we function most effectively in dealing with discontinuities in our surrounding environment. So, it is easy to recognise, for instance, when one man is sufficiently equipped to compete fairly against another in the octagon. Read Full Article >