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Wars, Resets and the Global Criminocracy

by Paul Cudenec | Winter

This article was written as a contribution to the 2024 Chisinau Forum: ‘Unrestricted warfare: a holistic approach to the Great Reset’.

Over the last few years, I have been doing a bit of research into the connections and parallels between the Great Reset and war.

Although my focus has been mostly on the First World War, I have come to the conclusion – shocking for some, perhaps, but utterly unsurprising for others – that the agenda behind all modern wars is the same as that behind the Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution, New World Order or whatever else you choose to call it.

This agenda – a long-term and multi-faceted agenda – is that of the entity I have taken to calling the criminocracy, a global mafia which, as I explained in my booklet Enemies of the People, is dominated by the Rothschild financial and industrial empire.

The overall aim is the consolidation and expansion of the criminocracy’s power and wealth, the two terms being virtually synonymous in this corrupted era that René Guénon termed the Reign of Quantity.

We can break this down into three aspects:

Short-term goals – ie: given that the whole thing is ultimately about money, immediate financial advantage.

Medium-term goals – ie: the setting-up of forthcoming financial advantage.

Long-term goals – the creation of the social conditions which will be to the financial advantage of the criminocracy in decades to come.

As far as short-term financial advantages to the Great Reset are concerned, as reflected in its initial Covid phase, they are quite obvious.

Firstly there were the profits from the sale of the so-called vaccines themselves – purchased and indemnified across the world by public authorities in an atmosphere in which there was no room for democratic scrutiny or debate.

Secondly, there was all the new equipment that could be sold, again globally, on the back of the so-called pandemic: face masks, plastic screens, handwash, signage, PCR tests and so on.

Thirdly there was the financial advantage gained by large businesses, particularly those operating online, from the lockdowns that severely affected smaller businesses.

In fact, Klaus Schwab of the WEF openly boasted about this in his 2020 book Covid-19: The Great Reset. Read Full Article >

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