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Bill Gates Advocates for Digital ID to Curb Misinformation. Is Anyone Surprised?

by Cindy Harper | Reclaim The Net

Microsoft Founder Bill Gates has voiced concerns about the intersection between technology and speech, particularly criticizing the limitations he perceives the First Amendment’s free speech protections impose on combating online “misinformation.”

Gates erroneously cited the example that shouting “fire” in a crowded theater is an exception to free speech protections, a misrepresentation that has been clarified legally over time to be more nuanced in its application.

The technology magnate is grappling with what he believes to be the threats of misinformation and the technological phenomena of deepfakes.

In his discussions, particularly highlighted in an upcoming Netflix series and through dialogue with Stanford experts, Gates advocates for digital IDs to verify online identities to help curb this “misinformation.” Read Full Article >


  1. Prosecute, confiscate and insert digital id up his …

  2. hey Gates, go eat a bag of equine appendages you fascist jerk

  3. Bill Gates wants digital ID for absolute global tyranny and no other reason.

  4. Bill Gates is a world class human piece of garbage. I advocate for him to be arrested and his money confiscated. He censors everything he disagrees with. And he calls everything he disagrees with ‘misinformation’. He’s a pedophile also.

  5. I’ve heard of this before.

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