Build Back Better or Build Back on God Who Will Not Be Mocked?
Do not be duped by the lobbyists of ‘Build Back Better’... What they all propose is a kind of human being that has forgotten our imago dei. What they are proposing to build is inevitably worse, not better...
I have been actively opposed to the U.S. policy (Obama/Clinton/Kerry/Biden) of destabilizing the government of Syria for as long as I have been in Congress. Please pray for the Syrian Christians who have survived our meddling up to this point.
1960s - “Oil will run out in 10 years.”
1970s - “A new Ice Age is coming in 10 years.”
1980s - “Acid rain will destroy all crops in 10 years.”
1990s - “The ozone layer will disappear in 10 years.”
2000s - “The Arctic ice caps will be gone in 10 years.”
2010s - “Global warming…