Global Surveillance – Separating Fact from Fiction
What are the facts on self-assembling electronic circuits or chips made with superconducting graphene nanotubes or graphene oxide that have been or will be injected into humans to connect them to the ‘internet of things’ for global surveillance?
Have you heard about self-assembling electronic circuits/chips made with superconducting graphene nanotubes or graphene oxide that have been or will be injected into humans to connect them to the ‘internet of things’ for global surveillance? Some say that it started with COVID-19 injections and continues with covert methods of installing ‘chips’ into humans to surveil every aspect of our lives.
Apparently the circuits or chips transmit a quantum signal at 2.4 GHz or even higher frequency within a 5G network comprised of cell towers and low earth orbit satellites, like Elon Musk’s Starlink constellation. The graphene oxide is held in the fatty tissues and was delivered by a COVID shot or some other method.
There are a lot of ideas all bundled together. I will try to unpack some of this and separate fact from fiction.
In early 2020 I remember seeing images of people in Wuhan allegedly dropping dead in the streets and some commentators at that time saying 5G telephony radiation from cell towers had just been switched on in Wuhan causing oxygen molecules to be ionised resulting in people not being able to breathe. That claim is quite ludicrous because millimetre wave energy will be absorbed by oxygen molecules near 60 GHz but the O2 molecules are not ionised into separate atoms. They would be heated a little but not split into separate O atoms. See my 2020 report here.
In 2023 I asked a friend of mine, a professor of electrical engineering and physics, and expert on terahertz radiation, in an Australian university, about the possibility of a self-assembling nanochips that could transmit a MAC ID address via a radiofrequency (RF) signal.
I asked him this question because of the claims on the internet of some COVID vaxxed people transmitting those MAC addresses via a Bluetooth signal. And also I had watched the video presentation by the Spanish group called La Quinta Columna where they claimed to have detected MAC addresses from COVID jabbed victims.
My professor friend told me that it was very difficult to build self-assembling circuits on a microscopic sized chip but that it was perhaps a possibility in 10 or 15 years. One of the problems of any chip in the body is the antenna not shorting out into the aqueous liquid in the cells it is allegedly floating in. Much research still needs to be done.
At that time I did the experiment myself with some friends looking for vaxxed people who transmitted a MAC address via Bluetooth, which I discuss here. Another of my physicist colleagues laughed at the idea, but he even tested it on himself as he had been tripled jabbed.
As an experimental physicist, who worked in microwave physics, I was very sceptical but I was willing to do such an experiment. But alas we detected nothing. An experiment is the final test of any hypothesis.
What do we know to be true?
Firstly some basic physics. Whatever device you have the wavelength at which it could receive or transmit an electromagnetic signal at is of the same size as the device, or the antenna attached to it. If it was required to receive a 2.4 GHz microwave signal (i.e. at the frequency of current 4G networks) the antenna would be at least one quarter wavelength, which is equal to about 3 cm. Your 4G cell phone has an antenna inside the case of that approximate size.
The antenna can be reduced in size possibly by a factor of 10 by enclosing it is a dielectric material but all such materials cause microwave losses so that the received signal is reduced in power. If you have a power source and an amplifier you can amplify that signal. The reverse is exactly the same if you are transmitting from your device.
If the device is 1000 nanometres (= 1 micron) in size the natural frequency would be around 300,000 GHz or 300 terahertz. If you use a lower frequency, say 30 GHz that is within the design band of 5G networks, the size of the chip or its attached antenna needs to be 10,000 times larger or 10 mm in length. A 1 cm sized chip is quite large (see image of chip on a finger above). Even if it was reduced in size using a dielectric material it still will be macroscopic and visible to the eye.
So the only practical method would be to build a chip much larger than nanometre or even micrometre size. By using some suitable low loss dielectric (usually a metal oxide) or even a semiconductor (possibly graphene oxide) one could make a special-designed antenna to receive at millimetre wave frequencies. But it would not be a nanometre sized chip. It would need to be much larger.
However it would also need to be located close to the surface of the skin. This is because the higher the frequency of the transmitted signal the shorter the penetration depth into the body. If using a 5G signal at 30 GHz the wavelength is 10 mm (in air) and the penetration depth much less than that due to attenuation of the signal. The reverse problem is true if your chip transmits from beneath the skin at 30 GHz. Your receiver may have to be very close to read the signal.
Injecting an RFID chip under the skin
This is what we do observe with currently known RFID chips being inserted under the skin.
These injectable chips for humans are sold by a company called Dangerous Things. See NExT RFID + NFC Chip which use a 2.1x15mm cylindrical sterile bioglass implant. These macroscopic sized devices operate at radio frequencies around 125 KHz to 14 MHz.
Three Square Market says it is the first company in the United States to put chips in its employees. But it is not the first in the world. That honor belongs to a Swedish company called Epicenter that initially chipped some 150 employees who ‘volunteered’ for the procedure.
People also talk about a quantum signal, but I have no idea what they mean in this context.
Ultra-cold atomic quantum limited clocks and quantum interference devices are real enough. Often they require extremely low temperatures, near absolute zero. Also quantum signal encryption is a real thing which requires a working quantum computer, which might be built around an ultra-cold atom held just above absolute zero.
Some people say graphene sheets are superconducting. Twisted bilayers and trilayers exhibit superconductivity but you have to cool the material to 3 K, i.e. -270 C. On-going research looking at graphene oxide may result in higher temperature superconductors. The highest temperature I found was 20 K, or -253 C. Thus no such claim of self- assembling superconducting graphene oxide injected into people makes any sense.
The 5G telephony network can absolutely be used to connect all sorts of devices, including injected chips, provided that they can provide a MAC address (ID) via a Bluetooth (BLE) signal. But to be practical they must transmit a signal with sufficient power to be readable. I would say above 1 nanowatt is needed.
Possibly some covert digital modulation scheme could be invented that makes it difficult to detect a signal, like spread-spectrum and burst signal technology. Nevertheless the size of the chip essentially determines the wavelength of the signal.
If a chip is a nanometre in scale size, and had a 500 nm filament as an antenna, that is 0.5 micron (where a micron = 10-6 m) its natural wavelength would be in the visible spectrum of light. See green in figure below.
In such a case you would need an optical signal that could penetrate far enough under the skin to where the chip is located to activate or read it.
What about nanobots?
In science a ‘nano’ size object means it is less than a micron in two or three dimensions. Is it possible to build a nanorobot of that size?
The goal of nanorobotics is to incorporate robot functions, i.e. sensing, processing of information, some form of action and possibly communication at a scale that is much smaller than a single cell or a microprocessor. This is extremely challenging. Most synthetic nanorobotic systems are just simple particles that can only achieve some of these functions or need an external control system to do so.
A man-made micron or sub-micron sized structure that can sense its environment, process information, and act, i.e. function as an autonomous nanorobot does not yet exist. Often there is thus some large scale equipment on the outside that is needed for the robotic control. So, more correctly one should speak of nanorobotic systems.
One class of nanorobotic systems usually consists of particles and an outside controller. The particle in itself is typically very simple, i.e. a tiny piece of a material, but one that can be controlled with light, magnetic fields or acoustic fields. For instance, a nanorobotic system may consist of sub-micron particles that possess a magnetic moment and a macroscopic laboratory setup with which magnetic fields controllably steer them. There might also be an imaging system to track the particles. Recent work has shown, for instance, that it is possible to control and move a swarm of cork-screw like magnetic nanopropellers through biological tissues. In this case the nanorobotic systems consists of the nanopropeller particles and the auxiliary equipment used to both actuate and track them.
There are various techniques being developed that rely largely on the internal mechanical, chemical and magnetic properties of the structures involved.
[But]… in none of these … is any hardware we would find in large-scale robots, i.e. no batteries or conventional motors: these components are only found in devices on the scale from hundreds of microns to millimeters.
For any type of control system over the nanobots they need to be much larger in size than nanometres.
Potentially a drug delivery system could be developed into such a device which is triggered by a light signal, or an applied magnetic field. To use a radiofrequency (RF) or mm-wave frequency signal the antenna needs to be as described above. Methods need to be developed to overcome the natural wavelength limitations possibly using low loss dielectrics.
But a simple thermal effect of the applied radiation, or a magnetic field pulse, may be sufficient to cause a nanobot to open up in a simple mechanical way and dump its payload. However, that does not require any RF communication system.
Observed structures from mRNA ‘vaccines’
What do we see in these self-assembling ‘nanostructures’ in people’s blood after they are injected with the COVID shots? Examples have been shown with self-assembling crystalline materials in rectangular shapes, some in ribbons, spirals, filaments and other shapes in samples of the injectables from Pfizer and Moderna.
The paper includes many micrographs (images) of structures and growth methods and growth times. The following is their Figure 19.
Their abstract states:
Systematic analyses of observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the “safe and effective” COVID-19 injectables are published here in a peer-reviewed context for the first time. … The contents of COVID-19 injectables were examined under a stereomicroscope at up to 400X magnification. Carefully preserved specimens were cultured in a range of distinct media to observe immediate and long-term cause-and-effect relationships between the injectables and living cells under carefully controlled conditions. … In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous —on the order of 3~4 x106 per milliliter of the injectable—visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1 to 100μm, or greater, of many different shapes. There were animated worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them, and so forth. All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables, and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures. As time progressed during incubation, simple one-and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions. They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains. Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time. Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.
The use of the term nanotechnology I believe is more of a reference to being very small as the size of the structures observed are 1 to 100 microns.
In all cases it is the chemistry that determines what happens as the structures grow. But I certainly would not want these type of materials and structures injected into me, nor should you.
However, none of this garbage is an electronic circuit that is actively generating or receiving a signal at microwave or millimetre wave frequencies.
Design takes an intelligent mind. Design has informational content and the reason it is difficult to build a nanosized chip is because you only have the tools of the known chemistry to work with. You are working against the natural laws of thermodynamics and trying to build a structure that would not naturally form without your design input.
Put another way, if you leave any system to itself and it will eventually fall apart. This is because the world is warm, vibrations in molecules cause structures to decay and they tend to the lowest state of order. That is disorder.
Conclusion: Fact or Fiction
Fact: The technology has been developed to insert into humans macroscopic RFID chips. These are millimetre size chips in a hermetically sealed cylinder as small as a grain of rice.
Fact: The size of the electronic circuit, including its antenna, sets the limit on the frequency it can operate at.
Fact: Micron scale structures have been observed to grow naturally under various conditions of the applied chemistry in Pfizer and Moderna injectables, the so-called COVID vaccines.
Fiction: Microscopic electronic circuits transmitting a microwave signal do not form naturally in any chemical soup. Intelligent design and control is needed to create such devices. This has not yet been demonstrated.
Fiction: A man-made micron or sub-micron sized structure that can sense its environment, process information, and act, i.e. function as an autonomous nanorobot, does not yet exist.
Fiction: Graphene nanotubes or graphene oxide are not superconducting near room temperature and have not been observed to transmit any electromagnetic signal.
Fiction: Self-assembling microscopic electronic chips generating or receiving an electromagnetic signal have not been observed.
Fiction: Quantum encrypted signals coming from self-assembling chips in humans are pure science fiction.
Fact: Global surveillance from the 4G and 5G networks is a real concern as the internet of things develops between all connected devices.
Fact: Do not trust any Big Tech internet connected devices as they are designed to spy on you.
✅ h1b visa slave labor
✅ AI-powered vaccines
✅ anti-semitism "free speech" laws
✅ prolific Genghis Khan-style siring of fatherless children (it's ok, he's an autistic billionaire and on our side)
✅ north american…
Are they telling us in advance that the great plundering is coming? Everyone should read this and prepare accordingly.