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How to Get Your Tax Cattle to LOVE Digital ID

by James Corbett | Corbett Report

Breaking news, guys! I found this manual for how the globalists plan to implement their digital ID control grid in . . . in a . . . uhm . . . an abandoned photocopier? And now I’m going to reveal it to you!

Just don’t ask to see the original document. My dog ate it. Honest! Anyway, it’s as I always say: don’t verify, just trust me, bro!

So, without further ado, here is the elitists’ super-secret handbook on How To Get Your Tax Cattle to LOVE Digital ID: A Guide for Left- or Right-wing Authoritarians.


Hail Satan!

Ladies and gentlemen, cyborgs, clones, interdimensional reptilian shapeshifters and assorted others: I bring you today glad tidings of joyous news! Our plan is almost complete!

Yes, after centuries of careful manipulation, we are almost ready to implement the final stage of our scheme for total global domination. All we need now is to get the tax cattle to accept their digital ID and the rest of the plan will fall into place.

First the digital ID.

Then the digital currency.

Then a war or scamdemic or alien invasion or other emergency (yet to be decided).

Then: BAM! We have them!

Imagine. Everyone tracked everywhere they go! No one allowed to buy or sell without the digital ID chip in their hand or forehead! Every would-be resister identified and rounded up at a moment’s notice!

Genetic manipulation of the species? Enforced brain chips? Carbon rationing? 15-minute cities? The end of free speech? The end of humanity itself? With our digital ID control grid in place, the sky’s the limit!

There’s just one pesky problem. It seems the tax cattle are wary of the digital ID system. It seems it may take some doing to convince them of the benefits of being tracked, traced, surveilled, monitored, databased, regulated, allowed, disallowed, measured, mandated, restricted, cajoled, punished and reduced every moment of every day for the rest of their miserable little lives.

But let’s not worry about that. As you know, we have managed to get the tax cattle to sort themselves into two opposed groups: those who identify as “left-wing” and those who identify as “right-wing.” (Or, in the modern parlance, “libtards” and “fascists.”) It should be simple enough, therefore, to employ our usual psychological warfare tactics to create propaganda specifically tailored to appeal to each side’s sensibilities and lead them down the digital ID cattle chute toward the slaughterhouse.

I present to you, then, our ultra-secret guide to How To Get Your Tax Cattle to LOVE Digital ID: A Guide for Left- or Right-wing Authoritarians.

For the Left-Wing Authoritarian

Remember when the tax cattle on the left wing of our technocratic plantation were wary of the collaboration of government and business?

Remember when they inherently distrusted Big Pharma and Big Agra and Big Finance and all the other “Bigs”?

Remember when they organized entire movements to protest the formation of the Big Tech “Octoputer” and to warn about the perils of digital dictatorship? Read Full Article >

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