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Is Donald Trump a “Wreck it Ralph” Tool to Pave the Way for Technocratic “Enlightened International Governance”?

by Jacob Nordangård, PhD | The Pharos Chronicle

At the same time as the media directed all attention to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the second revision of the UN’s Pact for the Future was released. Almost no one takes notice of the negotiations taking place. Trump also represents all the “dangers” that the proposed new UN system intends to solve. In the Pact’s introduction, a warning is delivered that we are about to cross a dangerous tipping point that risks giving rise to a more uncertain and chaotic world:

We are confronted by a growing range of catastrophic and existential risks. If we do not change course, we risk tipping irreversibly into a future of persistent crisis and breakdown.

Can we assume that such a tipping point is Donald Trump being elected US President? But according to the United Nations, there are both “opportunities” and “hope”. The crises and challenges that are looming on the horizon will not be solvable by individual states alone. Instead, it opens up for a new multilateral system that “harnesses advances in science, technology and innovation” to create collective action.

According to WEF adviser and historian Yuval Harari, the election of Donald Trump will inevitably accelerate the dismantling of the old system. Trump becomes the face of the global crisis. This is as per design.

It can be argued that Trump is the elite’s “Wreck-It Ralph” with the task of ending the American empire’s “liberal world order” and plunging it into chaos before the new international economic order is introduced.

A move to replace Joe Biden with Kamela Harris won’t really changed the game. Without a presidential candidate of Barack Obama’s caliber, it will be difficult to stop Trump’s road to victory. The assassination attempt has only strengthened his chances. In addition to being blessed with the “grace of God” and spared from an untimely death, Trump also has support from the highest echelons of worldly power. Read Full Article >

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