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New Study Finds Carbon Dioxide Has Zero Impact on Global Warming

by John Gideon Hartnett | Bible Science Forum

Ever heard of carbon dioxide saturation in the atmosphere? It means that by adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere above a certain threshold (of about 300 ppm; currently it is 400 ppm) can have no significant impact on global climate. This is because the atmosphere is already saturated and higher concentrations do not lead to any further absorption of radiation and hence heating.

Three Polish physicists studied this saturation principle and published three peer-reviewed papers (Kubicki et al., 20242022, and 2020). The latest paper included their experimental evidence.

Their 2024 paper, J. Kubicki, K. Kopczyński, J. Młyńczak, ‘Climatic consequences of the process of saturation of radiation absorption in gases‘ March 2024, published in Applications in Engineering Science, (Kubicki et al., 2024) summarizes the results of two experiments, which they had proposed and described in their 2020 and 2022 papers.

In the study (Humlum et al., 2013), the authors demonstrated that peaks of cyclic changes in air and water temperature globally precede peaks of cyclic changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration (Fig. 12). This finding supports the hypothesis that, as a result of saturation processes, emitted CO2 does not directly cause an increase in global temperature. Instead, it suggests that an increase in temperature likely leads to the release of carbon dioxide from the oceans. (Kubicki et al., 2024) (My emphases added.)

Here is their Fig. 12.

Fig. 12. Periodic change in global atmospheric CO2 concentration (green), global sea surface temperature (blue), and global surface air temperature (red)

The authors are suggesting the possibility that an increase in global temperature actually causes the CO2 concentration to increase in the atmosphere. This is the opposite of the mantra of the Climate Cult.

Furthermore they wrote:

By comparing the saturation mass of CO2 with the quantity of this gas in Earth’s atmosphere, and analyzing the results of experiments and measurements, the need for continued and improved experimental work is suggested to ascertain whether additionally emitted carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is indeed a greenhouse gas. (Kubicki et al., 2024) (My emphases added.)

Based on their experimental measurements they question whether CO2 is even a greenhouse gas at all, and therefore whether it has any consequence for the fake ‘climate catastrophe’.

The presented material shows that despite the fact that the majority of publications attempt to depict a catastrophic future for our planet due to the anthropogenic increase in CO2 and its impact on Earth’s climate, the shown facts raise serious doubts about this influence. (Kubicki et al., 2024) (My emphases added.)

This is not something Climate Cult wants to hear. This new evidence is also the reason to show that so-called ‘climate science’ is not science but a pseudo-religious ideology leading to global tyranny.

Embed from Getty Images
Climate Cult leaders John Kerry and Bill Gates

The Climate Cult rent-seekers are extracting billions from the richer countries to line their own pockets while remonstrating they are saving the poor countries from rising sea levels.

The bottom line? Carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere may continue to rise but it just isn’t possible for any increase to cause global temperatures to rise.

This means the effect of increasing CO2 in the atmosphere is naturally limited and that limit was reached long ago (see their Fig.12 above). Carbon dioxide emissions have zero impact on the Earth’s global temperatures.

So why all the fuss? The (Kubicki et al., 2024) paper concludes that Earth’s atmosphere is already saturated with carbon dioxide. Any further addition has no effect on global temperatures.

I recently wrote in Coal, the Creator’s Providential Provision even if you burnt all the coal on Earth, which couldn’t happen, still you could not heat the planet by more than 2 degrees. Well, this new research adds a new constraint to that. It means the effect of burning all the earth’s coal would have close to zero impact on global temperatures.

These results are in direct conflict with the globalist Climate Cult mantra being promoted by the United Nations-funded pseudoscience mob, that increasing CO2 concentration leads to an increase in global temperatures.

The UN sponsored IPCC has for many years promoted The Great Global Warming Myth wherein they claim 97% of scientists agree. But it is just another lie. Cherry picking of data and other manipulation was used.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the results in various significant works such as Schildknecht (2020) and Harde (2013), differ greatly from those presented by the IPCC, which is widely regarded as the sole reliable authority. This unequivocally suggests that the officially presented impact of anthropogenic CO2 increase on Earth’s climate is merely a hypothesis rather than a substantiated fact. (Kubicki et al., 2024) (My emphases added.)

So …. the science is not settled.

Then why does the US taxpayer-funded NASA continue to push the global warming, even global boiling, narrative?

Everyone is in on the game. Massive magic money printing has meant much fiat currency is available for the agency and they are not going to miss out on that.

Everyone in the ‘science’ community looks for any twist to get climate change fiat funding irrespective of their field of study.

It is another scam but just think about it, a $15 trillion scam as demanded by Al Gore and his mates. That is the figure the globalist cult is now suggesting to fix the climate.

That is a group of crazy people who claim they want to fight global warming published a new report calling for countries to spend up to $600 billion a year over the next two decades to boost green energy deployment and energy efficiency equipment (Energy Transitions Commission’s report). But that is no longer on their website.

These are the key goals that the ETC believes can lead to significant mitigation of global temperatures by 2030:

  • Trebling Renewables: increasing global installed renewables capacity from around 3.5 TW in 2022, up to around 11 TW by 2030.
  • Energy Efficiency: doubling annual primary energy efficiency gains from ~2% p.a. up to ~4% p.a. through to 2030.
  • Oil and Gas: Achieving near-zero methane and zero routine flaring by 2030.
  • Carbon Capture: An aspirational goal for gigatonne-scale carbon capture capacity by 2030.
  • Heavy Emitting Sectors: Launch of the Industrial Transition Accelerator (ITA) to increase low-carbon supply and accelerate demand for green products.
  • Deforestation: Protect, restore and sustainably manage forest basins in key tropical countries, helping to stop global deforestation.
  • Food Systems: A range of proposals to accelerate the uptake of alternative proteins, fertiliser innovations, dietary shifts, and reductions in agricultural methane emissions.

All of this is totally insane nonsense if you have not first established that CO2 causes any increase in global temperature. Even their goals are anti-science, anti-physics. The asylum has been overtaken by the inmates.

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