Summoning the United Nations Pact for the Future
(by Jacob Nordangard | The Pharos Chronicles) – Preparations have now begun for this year’s Summit of the Future, that will be held September 22–23 at the United Nations headquarters in New York.
During this meeting world leaders will sign the outcome document “The Pact for the Future”. This will be agreed in advance through intergovernmental negotiations and is based on United Nations Our Common Agenda and the fullfilment of Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
A zero draft of the pact was released January 26th after input from over 500 Major Groups and other Stakeholders.1 It was presented by the co-facilitators in the UN Trusteeship Council and followed by a debate with member states representatives January 29th.2

As described on the Summit of the Future webpage:
The result will be a world – and an international system – that is better prepared to manage the challenges we face now and in the future, for the sake of all humanity and for future generations.3
The purpose is to “take action to safeguard the future for present and coming generations”. Crises management is at the Pact’s core. And there is no lack of crises in need of effective management. As described in the zero draft:
We are at a moment of acute global peril. Across our world, people are suffering from the effects of poverty, hunger, inequality, armed conflicts, violence, displacement, terrorism, climate change, disease, and the adverse impacts of technology. Humanity faces a range of potentially catastrophic and existential risks.4
But with crises comes opportunities. At least for some powerful actors.
The goal of the pact should, according to United Nation’s High-Level Advisory Panel on Effective Multilateralism, be: “a global transition by States and non-State actors to a circular economy, addressing both supply and demand in a way that achieves balance with the planet.” This is a technocratic concept.
The HLAB was set up in March 2022 by Secretary General António Guterres to advice the Member States “on those issues of key global concern where governance improvements are most needed.”
Their report, A Breakthrough for People and Planet: Effective and Inclusive Global Governance for Today and the Future, recommends six transformative shifts to “support a radical shift in international cooperation for the resolution of shared global challenges and the advancement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. These are:
- Rebuild trust in multilateralism – Improve legitimacy and effectiveness through inclusion and accountability
- Planet and People – Regain balance with nature and provide clean energy for all
- Global Finance – Ensure sustainable finance that delivers for all
- Digital and Data Governance – Support a just digital transition that unlocks the value of data and protects against digital harms
- Peace and Prevention – Empower effective, equitable collective security arrangements
- Anticipatory Action – Strengthen governance for current and emerging transnational risks
This has been anchored from the top echelons of power. Among the members in the HLAB on Effective Multilateralism were WEF-board member Tharman Shanmugaratnam (newly elected President of Singapore), WEF Young Global Leader Ilona Szabó de Carvalho, Rockefeller Foundation-trustee Donald Kaberuka and Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission member, Ann-Marie Slaughter.
Their advice is a recipe for a world-wide technocratic management system that, if everything goes according to plan, will be guided by the global public–private partnership that was formalised in June 2019 with the signing of United Nation’s and World Economic Forum’s strategic partnership.
The intergovernmental forum G20 will have an important role to anchor these ambitions, influence legislators and implement the policies nationally.5
Since the adoption of the 2016 G20 Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, G20 Leaders have consistently recognized the key role of the G20 in contributing to implementation of the 2030 Agenda.6
Our Common Agenda and the “Pact for the Future” can be seen as the United Nations’ answer to the call for a Great Reset that was announced in June 2020 by Klaus Schwab, António Guterres and Prince Charles (King Charles III). In the words of Guterres:
The Great Reset is a welcome recognition that this human tragedy must be a wake-up call. As you rightly say, it is imperative that we reimagine, rebuilt, redesign, reinvigorate and rebalance our world…
We must build more equal, inclusive and sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change and many of the other global challenges we face.
Behind the fine wording of “equal” and “inclusive” hides a technocratic collectivist management system that leaves little room for free choice by individuals. What they have in mind is the building of a digital control grid to oversee and manage the world. A sort of digital world brain.