Technocratic Smart Cities Are Here
by Ana Maria Mihalcea | Substack
We are in the acceleration phase of information. As I have reported on the technocratic plan of “Aftershock” – inventions and technological process are now exponentially exploding, reaching an acceleration velocity that is planned to overwhelm the vast majority of individuals to even comprehend reality any more.
I wrote about this prediction by the technocratic transhumanist “futurists” here.
Smart cities – which I call AI controlled concentration camps – that will monitor every move and the inhabitants biometrics. What looks like a scifi movie scene is all about the 2030 Agenda and total world control. Note AI tech monitors health inside – what if AI decides a person is not socially acceptable and should be eleminated? How easy is it to make any smart device into a weapon? Will AI monitor brain waves for thought police? Connect with the self assembly nanotechnology in the blood stream and alter the individual? Read Full Article >