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Tennessee Legislators Add Teeth to Anti-Agenda 2030 Law, Call for UN Withdrawal

by Peter Rykowski | The New American

In a win for the U.S. Constitution and state sovereignty, Tennessee lawmakers have strengthened an existing law banning state and local involvement in globalist United Nations initiatives, including its Agenda 21/2030 programs, while calling upon Congress to withdraw the United States from the UN.

Senate Bill 2743 (S.B. 2743), sponsored by state Senators Frank Niceley (R-Strawberry Plains) and Adam Lowe (R-Calhoun), had been introduced in January. Twelve representatives led by Dennis Powers (R-Jacksboro) sponsored a companion bill, House Bill 2117 (H.B. 2117), in the state House.

S.B. 2743 amends a state law enacted last year that protects private-property rights from infringements connected to the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 and related globalist programs. Read Full Article >

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