Trump’s Surgeon General Nominee Supports Social Media Digital ID, Censorship of Vaccine “Misinformation”
by Didi Rankovich | Reclaim The Net
As President Trump’s second administration is taking shape, his picks for various key positions are expectedly coming under scrutiny, with the choice of the surgeon general nominee causing particular interest.
The nominee, Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, has in the past defended issues like digital ID, and online age verification, but also even Big Tech’s – specifically Facebook’s – censorship around Covid topics.
None of this is sitting well with some Trump supporters, who are now outright calling Nesheiwat “a bad choice.”
As recently as in March and July of this year, Nesheiwat appeared on Fox News to call for teens and young children to be banned from social platforms (the contentious question here is rarely the intent, but rather the method, namely using digital ID for age verification). Read Full Article >
Donnie is an accelerator. He accelerated the plandemic with warp speed. He also “fights the cabal,” “deep state,” “Western (left) elites,” the whole sinister leftist agenda promising dark woke totalitarianism (and other talk).
That’s what they say.
Just like Vladi:
January 27, 2021
“Session of Davos Agenda 2021 online forum
Vladimir Putin spoke at the session of the Davos Agenda 2021 online forum organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF).
The main focus of the forum is the discussion of the new global situation arising from the novel coronavirus pandemic.
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World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab:
Mr President, welcome to the Davos Agenda Week.
Russia is an important global power, and there’s a long-standing tradition of Russia’s participation in the World Economic Forum. At this moment in history, where the world has a unique and short window of opportunity to move from an age of confrontation to an age of cooperation, the ability to hear your voice, the voice of the President of the Russian Federation, is essential. Even and especially in times characterised by differences, disputes and protests, constructive and honest dialogue to address our common challenges is better than isolation and polarisation.
COVID-19, Mr President, has shown our global vulnerability and interconnectivity, and, like any other country, Russia will certainly also be affected, and your economic development and prospects for international cooperation, of course, are of interest to all of us.
Mr President, we are keen to hear from your perspective and from that of Russia, how you see the situation developing in the third decade of the 21st century and what should be done to ensure that people everywhere find peace and prosperity.
Mr President, the world is waiting to hear from you.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin:
Mr Schwab, dear Klaus,
I have been to Davos many times, attending the events organised by Mr Schwab, even back in the 1990s. Klaus [Schwab] just recalled that we met in 1992. Indeed, during my time in St Petersburg, I visited this important forum many times. I would like to thank you for this opportunity today to convey my point of view to the expert community that gathers at this world-renowned platform thanks to the efforts of Mr Schwab.
First of all, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to greet all the World Economic Forum participants.
Hopes that it will be possible to reboot the old growth model are connected with rapid technological development. Indeed, during the past 20 years we have created a foundation for the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution based on the wide use of AI and automation and robotics. The coronavirus pandemic has greatly accelerated such projects and their implementation.”
Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing – Rospotrebnadzor
“Topical Issues of New Biological Infectious Threats Discussed on the Sidelines of SPIEF-24 [The 27th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum]
On 6 June, a panel discussion titled ‘Will Generation Y Cope with Disease X’) was held on the sidelines of SPIEF-24.
We also talked about the emergence of new types of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, which can spread rapidly, causing significant losses in people’s lives and health. The coronavirus pandemic not only arose in the era of digitalization, but also stimulated its rapid development. Future pandemics may develop in the context of artificial intelligence and synthetic biology penetrating all spheres, which will affect their development.”
The “white protagonists” are the accelerators, didn’t I tell you.