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UN Seeks Full Technocratic Control of All Nations

by Moneycircus | Substack

Deceive the Heavens to Cross the Sea

The social engineers sit in the United Nations and discuss their Summit of the Future. Perfumed, with perfect hair.

Not breaking sweat as words trip smoothly, from information pollution to the power of a small number of AI companies who surveil the people and displace 56 per cent jobs in the global south (at high risk, according to the International Labour Organisation).

In that global south, missiles fly across Lebanon and northern Israel. War shall not be contained. War has a smell, and it is leeching across Africa and Asia (east, west, Eurasia)… [1]

Accounts of war atrocities will likely dominate the 79th General Assembly of the United Nations, a body formed, like its earlier iterations, the Hague Peace Conference of 1899, on the initiative of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II, and the League of Nations of 1920, after the War To End Wars.

Instead we get forever wars. The UN has failed its primary mission by any measure. It wallows in crises that it allows to happen, exacerbates or even creates.

As wars rage in Israel and Ukraine (and dozens of armed conflicts that get less attention) the UN secretary-general is launching a power grab to seize executive authority from member nations.

Meanwhile the planners plan. Are they safe in New York, as they engineer the world for The Day After?

Giving it away

Over the next two days delegates are set to adopt the Pact for the Future: letting the UN declare global emergencies and dictate how governments must respond. Although such changes should require a treaty they are snuck through, below the radar.

Dr Francis Boyle, professor of international law at the University of Illinois, told RFK Jr’s The Defender, “What the secretary-general is trying to do is an end run around the United Nations charter and delegate to himself all the powers he can possibly assume.”

See section five of the draft Pact for the Future: Transforming global governance. This would allow the UN to convene an “emergency platform” after any kind of crisis. [2]

In parallel with the Pact for the Future is the Global Digital Compact, which one of the top researchers into the WHO/UN powet grab James Roguski says has not been made public, or only in part.

This includes a global digital currency, linked to bio-digital identification of all living beings; thus the possibility to allocate, ration or withdraw access to resources.

In principle “the Summit and Pact for the Future is a relaunch of the Great Reset,” says Tim Hinchliffe, publisher of The Sociable. [3]

An image appears of a dystopian future in which unelected bureaucrats run the world — the cybernetic dream of technocrats on the take. Read Full Article >

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