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When You Have Junk Climate Science, You End Up With Mad Climate Scientists

by Jack Heller | American Thinker

It seems that every day we’re force-fed nightmarish stories about how the earth is constantly warming because there are too many humans and we consume too much oil, coal, natural gas, and even meat. The solution is always more government control, regulation, and higher taxes. The powers that be seek to destroy companies that produce reasonably priced energy, and use the weight of government to force us to buy electric vehicles powered by the highly flammable pollutant lithium, and inefficient appliances.

It is a shame they refuse to recognize how our use of these natural resources has greatly improved mankind’s quality and length of life, allowing humans to survive hot summers and cold winters with central air and heat.

This article and headline are meant to spread pure propaganda to the public that the earth has constantly warmed, but nothing could be further from the truth:

Is indoor summer the new normal? Climate change delivers scorching heat across America

For millions of Americans, rising global temperatures have transformed summertime, pushing them to spend more and more time each year inside air-conditioned spaces, sealed off from the sweltering outdoors.

While summer is the hottest season in the Northern Hemisphere, it has been getting even hotter thanks to climate change. In every decade since the 1960s, heat waves have become more frequent, last longer and pack higher temperatures, according to data from the Environmental Protection Agency. Between 1971 and 2000, average summer temperatures rose by 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit in the U.S., and by 2.7 degrees across much of the West.

If journalists were curious, instead of talking puppets pushing the Democrat agenda, they could ask a simple question like I did, and use a search engine to find the answer: “What are the warmest summers on record?” The following information populated: The warmest summer on record was in 1936 during the Dust Bowl, which was before we had central air…so it was colder for more than eight decades, while the population was rising rapidly, and while our use of the natural resources (which supposedly causes warming) was exploding. (It should be noted that there was essentially no air conditioning of any type in 1936.) Read Full Article >

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