Conspiracies have been around since the world began. How else are wars, murders, thefts, and other types of crimes initiated except that people conspired to commit them?

One dictionary definition of a conspiracy is, “an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.”

Another definition reads, “an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.”

Some synonyms for conspiracy include plot, scheme, treason, connivance, and treachery.

Based on these definitions, it shouldn’t take much convincing to realize that conspiracies are taking place every day, in every part of the globe, by people of all walks of life. However, one of the greatest tools in the arsenal of those involved in a conspiracy is convincing people that it doesn’t exist (think Keyser Söze in the film The Usual Suspects).

The purpose of this article is to illustrate how major, even global conspiracies can exist without most people knowing. It will provide the ingredients typically included in every conspiratorial recipe to help people recognize them more easily both before and as they occur in real time.

Before Conspiracies Occur

Here are the steps involved in the initial phases of a conspiracy:


Every conspiracy begins with a motive and something to be gained by the conspirators. The Latin phrase “cui bono,” meaning “who benefits,” should always be asked when investigating a conspiracy. Power and money are usually the main reasons, with revenge or spite also closely linked.


Everyone involved in a conspiracy must agree to a set of goals and desired outcomes. Where unity is fragile, conspiracies rarely succeed. But when there is agreement amongst the schemers, and all are satisfied with the proposed outcome, the devious plots have a great chance to flourish.


All conspiracies, no matter how small or large, involve planning to achieve the stated goals. On a national or global level, these plans are often documented well ahead of time. Sometimes they remain hidden and other times they are available for public viewing. The reason the exposed plans go unnoticed is because most people don’t bother to read them, don’t comprehend what’s being stated, or dismiss them because they can’t believe people would do such things.


Conspirators must be careful not to disclose their plans in order to have any chance of succeeding. Meetings are often held at clandestine locations, and participants may be encouraged or required to take oaths and be sworn to secrecy. Oftentimes those leading the conspiracy do not divulge the entirety of their plot to everyone involved. People furthest from the inner circle frequently carry out orders without being fully aware of all the details. They may be outright deceived about the true intent of the plot and march on as foot soldiers believing they are doing something good for humanity.

Data Gathering

An important step in any conspiracy involves gathering data on those being plotted against. This can cover many ways of spying including hacking, cyber-attacks, surveillance, planting informants, social media monitoring, and other extreme types of espionage.

Behavioral Analysis

Once enough data is gathered, it can then be utilized to predict behavior. These predictions may be made for individuals, ethnic groups, and sometimes entire populations. If correct, behavioral predictions can help fortify conspiratorial plans to ensure success.


Depending on the complexity of the scheme, the conspirators may conduct simulations or “dry runs” of the key steps required to pull off their plot. The simulation gives them advanced knowledge and helps them perfect their plan before fully executing it. Simulations often play out in real life almost exactly as they were gamed ahead of time.

As Conspiracies Unfold

Once the plot begins to unfold, look for the following activities to take place: 

Lies, Propaganda and Mind Control

Deception is a favorite tool of conspirators, and no plot could ever be accomplished without telling lies and promoting propaganda. Attempts at outright mind control are also often established by controlling the narrative so that people never hear or see alternative points of view. Many conspiracies are hidden in plain sight in various forms of entertainment. Conspirators also use “trusted voices” to get the unaware to believe propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation. Mainstream media sources are often the primary means by which people are deceived.


Daily living provides a plethora of distractions for the average person. They occur at almost every level through one form or another. As conspiratorial plans are being executed, a major distraction that focuses attention on a specific event may take place. This “wag the dog” trick serves to keep people in the dark about a more serious event taking place simultaneously behind the scenes.

Hegelian Dialectic

After behavioral predictions are formulated, conspirators often employ the Hegelian Dialectic. In its simplest form, the Hegelian Dialectic is most often known as Problem-Reaction-Solution, where a problem is manufactured to garner a certain reaction leading to a pre-planned solution. Conspirators use this mind control method to hide their involvement in events that take place seemingly out of nowhere. Schemers can then get the public to demand a solution that they have already planned to implement to increase their power.

False Flags

Conspirators love to execute a plan and then blame it on others. False flag charades quickly serve up a “guilty” party to deceive the public while enabling the true subversives to go unnoticed. These events are well-coordinated efforts that may be very hard to detect by the general public.

Once Conspiracies are Exposed

These are the signs to watch for once a conspiracy starts to unravel:

Plausible Deniability

When awareness of a conspiracy begins to gather steam, those involved in the plot will almost always deny it exists. This “plausible deniability” allows the guilty to pretend they had no awareness of a secret plot or that any malfeasance was taking place. Conspiracies are usually layered so that those on the outer layers do most of the dirty work. This enables those on the inner layers to deny they knew anything about it and easily dismiss accusations.

Marginalize, Silence and/or Remove Opponents

The most frequently used method to silence people who attempt to expose conspiracies is to label them as conspiracy theorists. This negative characterization causes most people to doubt the information and question the reputation of those providing an alternative to the controlled narrative. As challenges continue to arise, more severe methods of quelling opposition are used such as libel and slander, ostracizing, harassment, spying, physical intimidation, bribes, loss of employment, criminal accusations and charges, murder, and faked suicide.

Coverups and Destruction of Evidence

As proof of any conspiracy takes root, always expect the schemers to cover their tracks by any means necessary. They will resort to destroying evidence, intimidating witnesses, redacting documents, hiding behind “need to know” security policies, coopting investigative commissions, corrupting legal trials, and other unscrupulous tactics to help the plotters evade prosecution and accountability for their crimes.

Open Admission

When the truth about a conspiracy becomes too weighty to deny, there will often be an open admission of guilt typically outing those on the lower rungs of the plot. Oftentimes the tricks work as those demanding accountability get their sacrificial lamb(s) while the insiders behind the plot go unrecognized and unpunished. 

Setting Up the Next Conspiracy

The players involved in many of the greatest conspiracies are often intertwined through familial ties, business and political relationships, and ideological agreements. Therefore, the conspiracies they concoct can be carried out over a long period of time and aren’t dependent on one or a small group of individuals. Here are the two most powerful ways conspiracies are perpetuated:

Enacting and Amending Laws

The most powerful tool governments, corporations, and other major entities employ is the passage and changing of laws to make their conspiratorial crimes legal. When the power to legally spy on, detain, and imprison those they deem “enemy combatants” or traitors is embedded in our laws, it gives immense power to the perpetrators of conspiracies against the people.

The Two-Party System Sham

Warning: this section may offend if you believe in two-party systems of government.

Whether governed by a Republican or Democratic president, the march to globalization has continued pretty much unabated in the U.S. The current COVID-19 conspiracy arrived in this country under President Trump, and the new normal has been in place since March 16. Democracy has been overrun by oligarchs. Fortune 500 corporations in the technology, pharmaceutical, and banking industries now rule the U.S. Every four years, the powers that be love to put on a show to keep the people thinking they have a say in government by voting for their representatives. But elections are nothing more than “selections.” In other words, the new boss is the same as the old boss; they just have different personalities to cater to different types of people. The truth is that most elected officials are co-opted to do the bidding of those who really pull the strings. The two-party political façade helps propel the next conspiracy to consolidate more power and control in the march to a new global order!

Share This Article and Help Awaken Others

Conspiracies are often successful because people remain ignorant of how they are conceived and executed. However, once an understanding of all of these elements has been grasped, it makes recognizing true conspiracies relatively easy. My hope is that many more will be awakened to the fact that a global conspiracy is in play to reengineer society as a whole and shift more power to the 1% who desire nothing but total control over humanity. Whether you call it the Great Reset, New World Order, Agenda 2030, or Illuminati Conspiracy doesn’t matter. The ingredients are the same as those listed above. The more we expose and resist them, the better the chances it does not succeed!

1 Comment

  1. This is the mystery Babylon and her beast that has been warned was coming:

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