Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...
by Jesse Smith
Part one of this series exposed the United Nations’ deep ties to Theosophy, the occult, and the New Age movement through individuals like Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and Robert Muller. Part two revealed the Rockefellers’ role in establishing the UN and the ecumenical religious movement through organizations like the World and National Council of Churches and United Religions Initiative. This article will disclose the current UN-orchestrated plan to bring the world together as “Many Cultures, One Humanity.”
The Divine Plan Unfolds
– H.E. Dag Hammarskjold, 2nd Secretary-General of the United Nations
In 1952 Eleanor Roosevelt, U.S. first lady from 1933-1945, read a prayer on a radio broadcast from the UN headquarters in New York. The prayer was given to Alice Bailey in 1945 by the spiritual “Hierarchy” and is known as The Great Invocation. Roosevelt served as chair of the UN committee that drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and read the prayer in celebration of its adoption. There is no indication she had any connection to Alice Bailey or Lucis Trust, nevertheless, The Great Invocation was read in full over the airwaves – a prayer inspired by the channeled spirit master known as Djwhal Kuhl or “the Tibetan.” The full text of the prayer reads:
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
In new age terms, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is seen as the first step towards achieving global oneness through a set of common principles. The Great Invocation functioned as a natural accompaniment intended to “foster the transformation of consciousness.” The prayer is meant to be understood differently by the public, esotericists, and members of the Hierarchy. Its language is intentionally deceptive so as not to alarm Christians. In Discipleship in the New Age II, Bailey reveals, “I [Djwhal Khul] have so worded and rendered the Invocation [so] that the Christian world, through its churches, may not find it impossible to use. (p. 165)”

Eleanor Roosevelt – FDR Library Photo
The prayer’s reference to Christ is not Jesus Christ of the Bible, but a world teacher also known as Lord Maitreya, the Imam Mahdi, the Kalki Avatar, and the Bodhisattva. Bailey further reveals that “if given widespread distribution, [The Great Invocation] can be to the new world religion what the Lord’s Prayer has been to Christianity…” She further explains that it was “always intended by the Tibetan, Djwhal Khul, to be given mass distribution and to become a world prayer… and is the major agent for the transformation of the human will.”
In A Scientific Analysis of the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and Their Applications, Robert A. Herrmann decoded The Great Invocation by revealing what the Tibetan tried to hide, clarifying that:
- Light, light = Luciferian enlightenment.
- God = Satan.
- stream forth = overshadow.
- love = various forms of scripturally defined evil or, generally, hatred.
- Christ = Antichrist.
- little wills of men = the claimed unintelligent, weak and inferior desires of individuals; especially those that follow conservative Judeo-Christian doctrine.
- purpose = to prepare for the appearance of the Antichrist.
- Masters = demons or demon controlled individuals.
- race of men = “humanity,” as ruled by Lucifer.
- plan = complete world domination in preparation for and after the appearance of the Antichrist.
- seal the door where evil dwells = violent, if necessary, eradication of those that follow Judaism, conservative Christianity, some liberal Christianity, and other similar orthodox religions.
- power = often hideous and actual destructive forces.
Perhaps unaware, Eleanor Roosevelt, conceivably the most influential first lady in U.S. history, read a demonically inspired prayer geared to deceive Christians, activate Luciferic enlightenment, and transform the human will. Roosevelt may have been easily duped. Her views seemed to align with the world religion being established by Lucis Trust, the UN, and the ecumenical and interfaith movements. In several statements about religion, she indicated that specific truths and doctrine mattered very little, expressing:
Religion to me is simply the conviction that all human beings must hold some belief in a power greater than themselves…”
– Eleanor Roosevelt, Ladies’ Home Journal, October 1941
To me religion has nothing to do with any specific creed or dogma…To those of us who were brought up as Christians that standard is the life of Christ, and it matters very little whether our creed is Catholic or Protestant.
To those of us who happen to have been born and brought up under other skies or in other creeds, the object to be attained goes by some other name…” (source)
Roosevelt’s stamp of approval on The Great Invocation and involvement in the global campaign for human rights pushed the Tibetan’s agenda forward by leaps and bounds.
To continue advancing the deceitful prayer, Lucis Trust adapted the language of The Great Invocation, “which is intended to be Christ’s own mantram for the Aquarian age,” to reflect todays pluralistic and multicultural world. Phrases like ‘minds of men,’ ‘wills of men,’ and ‘race of men’ were replaced with ‘human minds,’ ‘human wills,’ and ‘human race.’ Having been recited for over 70 years, Bailey’s disciples believe “the energies invoked by the Great Invocation can now be said to be deeply anchored in human consciousness.”
The Aquarian Conspiracy
– Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy, 1980, p. 23
As The Great Invocation spread an even larger movement began to emerge. The 60s and 70s were tumultuous times throughout much of the world as war, social and economic crises, political corruption, assassinations, and escalating tension among world superpowers fostered anger, mistrust, and despair. As a result, a counterculture was born in the U.S. that sought meaning and purpose outside societal norms and religious traditions. It was defined by staunch beliefs in personal transformation, spiritual awakening, scientific and technological innovation, and collective evolution as solutions to ongoing crises. In her 1980 book, The Aquarian Conspiracy, Marilyn Ferguson defined the movement as a “paradigm shift of evolving human consciousness.” She believed the crusade was ushering in a new age of hope amidst the dire societal conditions of the day, writing:
The Aquarian Conspiracy is using its widespread outposts of influence to focus on the dangerous myths and mystiques of the old paradigm, to attack obsolete ideas and practices.” (p. 34)
The old ways are untenable…The old gods of isolationism and nationalism are tumbling… We are learning to approach problems differently, knowing that most of the world’s crises grew out of the old paradigm — the forms, structures, and beliefs of an obsolete understanding of reality.” (p. 407)
Ideologically, the Aquarian Conspiracy can be likened to Mao’s Chinese Cultural Revolution where the “Four Olds” (old ideas, old culture, old customs, old habits) were targeted for elimination. The movement grew out of the teachings of Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Robert Muller, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and many others who challenged the status quo with new (but ancient) ideas for societal transformation (with socialism, communism, occultism, and pantheism at the forefront). All fostered a deep belief in collective global unity and worked to eliminate barriers to achieving commonality and consensus. Collusion between Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society, Bailey’s Lucis Trust, Muller’s United Nations, and Rockefeller’s World Council of Churches helped create the paradigm shift accelerated by the Aquarian Conspiracy.
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In discussing the breadth of the movement, Ferguson notes that all levels of society were infiltrated, declaring:
The Aquarian Conspirators range across all levels of income and education, from the humblest to the highest…There are legions of conspirators. They are in corporations, universities and hospitals, on the faculties of public schools, in factories and doctors’ offices, in state and federal agencies, on city councils and the White House staff, in state legislatures, in volunteer organizations, in virtually all arenas of policy-making in the country.” (pp. 23-24)
Fellow new age conspirator Donald Keys explained the difficulty in neutralizing the movement due to its ill-defined structure, writing:
We mentioned earlier how the dominant, “straight” society has apparently not recognized the strength and pervasiveness of the new consciousness culture…If the New Age movement does become a target of alarmed forces and defenders of the status quo ante, however, it will offer a widely dispersed and decentralized target, very hard to identify and impossible to dissuade or subvert from its life-serving values.”
– Donald Keys, Earth at Omega: Passage to Planetization, 1985, p. 123
Conspiracy participants first focused inwardly before moving outwardly. A key theme was the expansion of the brain’s abilities through hypnosis, biofeedback, meditation, Theosophy, Silva Mind Control, psychotherapy, psychic phenomena, yoga, tai chi, music, chanting, psychedelic drugs, seminars, and mystical experiences. According to Ferguson, they believed that “human nature is neither good nor bad but open to continuous transformation and transcendence (p. 29).”
They embraced Eastern religions and spiritual traditions where experience and knowing supersede faith and canon, and where the “radical center of spiritual experience seems to be knowing without doctrine. (p. 377)” Adherents viewed the world as a global village where humans steward their own evolution while increasing interconnectedness led to oneness with all life. Conspirators sought to alter society through “New Age politics” where fragmented political systems become consensus-based systems and are transformed from “dying hierarchies to living networks.” They consistently made it clear that the old ways were no longer acceptable.
Someone is always trying to summon us back to a dead allegiance: Back to God, the simple-minded religion of an earlier day. “Back to the basics,” simple-minded education. Back to simple-minded patriotism. And now we are being called back to a simple-minded “rationality” contradicted by personal experience and frontier science.” (p. 128)
Flouting the boundaries of religious teaching, scientific practice, and accepted societal norms were key aspirations. Aquarians alleged that by building networks of like-minded individuals focused on unleashing untapped human potential, a new world would be created. Education and thought centers like the Esalen Institute, Findhorn Community, Arcane School, and Lindisfarne Association were instrumental in both teaching the news ways and making them palatable to a broader swath of society. Proponents were found in government, Hollywood, academia, medicine, science, psychology, media, etc. Books flooded the market, movies were filmed, tv shows were broadcast, and seminars and conferences cropped up all over the country teaching concepts like New Thought, alternative medicine, ecology, and personal growth.
Ferguson points out that many conspirators adopted Teilhard de Chardin’s views that humanity could direct its own evolution to reach the “omega point” of evolving consciousness and godhood. Her survey of Aquarians revealed they attempted this “great leap” of consciousness through many religions and spiritual practices such as Zen Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, yoga, Christian mysticism, psychosynthesis, Jungian therapy, Transcendental Meditation, Sufism, and Kabbalah. Use of psychedelic drugs like LSD and magic mushrooms were also mentioned as pathways to transcendence. Most expressed belief in psychic phenomena such as reincarnation, telepathy, psychic healing, clairvoyance, precognition, etc.
The new humanism and the new occultism of the late 1960’s produced a new world view, which has in recent years begun to be identified as the New Age movement or New Age humanism. Such phenomena as “holistic healing,” Eastern mysticism, “higher consciousness,” monistic philosophy (the world is one: pantheism), magic, divine healing, astrology, and outright satanism began to multiply. The New Age philosophy proclaims the evolutionary development of man, the coming “leap of being” in which mankind will transcend its present creaturely limitations. This philosophy is in tune with Darwinian humanism, as well as with Marxism and other forms of revolutionism.”
– Gary North, Unholy Spirits: Occultism and New Age Humanism, 1988, p.5
Aquarians adopted an “if it seems right, do it” mindset and often threw caution to the wind. However, the transformation they sought was simply a revival of ancient Gnosticism with Marxist overtones. Believing that religion, education, and patriotism were too simple-minded, they embraced elements of the occult to remold the world according to their revolutionary ideals. They embarked on the inexhaustible quest for knowledge supposing it would be their ultimate salvation but instead made a Faustian bargain now engulfing the whole world.
The UN Global Religion Expands
– Hans Kung, The Meaning of Other Faiths by Willard G. Oxtoby, 1982, preface
As the Aquarian Conspiracy spread throughout the West, the United Nations continued to expand its partnerships with faith-based organizations seeking unity and global peace.
At the 30th anniversary celebration of the United Nations on October 24, 1975 (a conference heavily influenced by the teachings of Teilhard de Chardin), a group of religious leaders made the following statement:
The crises of our time are challenging the world religions to release a new spiritual force transcending religious, cultural, and national boundaries into a new consciousness of the oneness of the human community…and so putting into effect a spiritual dynamic toward the solutions of world problems… We affirm a new spirituality, divested of insularity and directed toward a planetary consciousness…
In conclusion, the delegates of the conference “One Is the Human Spirit” propose that the time is ripe for the religions of the world to bring together in concert their several visions in aid of the United Nations in its endeavor to build a better human society.” (emphasis added)
– Ewert Cousins, Teilhard de Chardin and the Religious Phenomenon, 1981, pp. 20-21
Oneness, consciousness, and transcendence are common themes of interfaith and new age organizations. Buzzwords like “interdependent global village,” “oneness of the human community,” and “global civilization” all signify the push for a global religion “divested of insularity.”
The interfaith movement has also garnered attention at the highest diplomatic levels; the United Nations has passed several important resolutions, for example, on “the promotion of religious and cultural understanding, harmony and cooperation” (2003) and “the promotion of interfaith dialogue” (2004). There have been several similar resolutions that encompass both interfaith and intercultural dialogue, on “the global agenda for dialogue among civilizations” (2005)…
– John Fahy and Jeffrey Haynes, Introduction: Interfaith on the World Stage, 2018
The UN is a major facilitator of the new consciousness scheme. It functions as the central point of communication, thought, activity, planning, and propaganda. In the early 2000s, Robert Muller said the UN “has the enormous advantage to exist, to be universal, to have extensive experience and to be equipped with 32 specialized agencies and world programs covering practically every subject under the sun” (Paradise Earth, p.60).
Currently, the UN system comprises fifteen agencies, nine entities and bodies, six funds and programs, and eight related organizations. The system works in the fields of Communications, Health, Education, Politics, Science, Psychology, Economics, Civil Society and The Arts. New Age and interfaith organizations have ties to many UN agencies. The most frequent agency partnerships include:
- UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)
- UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
- UN Department of Global Communications (DGC) [formerly the Department of Public Information (DCP)]
- UN World Health Organization (WHO)
The UNAOC was formed in 2005 under former UN Secretary-General Kofi Anan to explore the roots of societal and cultural polarization and recommend ways to address the issues. Its motto is “Many Cultures, One Humanity.” At UNAOCs global conference in 2018, sessions focused on “Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue” and “Global Citizenship Education” among others aimed at creating more inclusive societies and countering hatred. At their 2022 conference in Morocco, several sessions concentrated on religious leaders as promoters of peace, mutual respect, and social harmony. These discussions took place alongside talks of “shaping global citizens through transformative education.” As mentioned in the previous article, one of the UNs main goals is to erode national sovereignty and forge a world government with global citizens. The religious community has been invited to participate in this endeavor through agencies like the UNAOC. Religious tolerance is used as a method to push global consensus.
Established in 1946, UNESCO was one of the first UN agencies. Julian Huxley, a transhumanist, and eugenicist was its first director-general. He made it clear that the agency’s greatest task was resolving the conflicts between “individualism versus collectivism, …the American versus the Russian way of life, …capitalism versus communism, [and] …Christianity versus Marxism.” UNESCOs scientific approach has at times merged with the new global religion to resolve these conflicts.
The Aquarian paradigm shift took another leap with UNESCO’s report on The Contribution by Religions to the Culture of Peace. The declaration hammers home notions that: no religion is superior to another; we are all interdependent and collectively responsible for the common good; and religions must not identify themselves with political, economic, or social power and must be a source of helpful energy. While seemingly noble goals, these encrypted phrases reveal an intolerance for biblical Christianity and seek to restrict the Christian from preaching the gospel to all nations as Jesus instructed. Interreligious dialogue is welcomed within UNESCO, UNAOC and the entire UN system as long as none make exclusive proclamations of being “the way, the truth, and the life.”
The Meditation Room
In addition to its many agencies and organizations, the UN fosters global religious cooperation through its meditation room, which former Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld helped put in place. The room is full of occult themes and contains an altar “dedicated to the God whom man worships under many names and in many forms.” Lucis Trust serves as the room’s custodian.
As with any truly occult or spiritual symbol, this room represents more than meets the eye. It is replete with significant symbols, and the numerology, astrology and sacred geometry that are all a part of this very small room radiate their own silent but powerful spiritual vibrations… As we know, meditation is a powerful method of planetary service. In meditation we use the mind as a channel for the reception of the energies of light and love and the will-to-good and direct these energies into the United Nations and into human consciousness…
– Ida Urso, Director of World Goodwill
According to the UN, the meditation room mural is “supposed to evoke a feeling of the essential oneness of God.” At the room’s opening ceremony, Hammarskjöld stated, “People of many faiths will meet here and, for that reason none of the symbols to which we are accustomed in our meditation could be used.”
The meditation room reinforces the idea of tolerance, bolstering the campaign to dilute belief in any one religion containing “exclusive” or “absolute” truth.
The Endless Array of Religious/New Age Networks
Fueled by ideas of planetary oneness, collectiveness consciousness, human potential, conscious evolution, and similar themes, the movement to unite all religions began with a few key organizations. These largely decentralized groups frequently intersect, forming a nebulous network difficult to track and trace. Alice Bailey described the need for this type of movement in her 1948 book The Reappearance of the Christ, writing:
Today, slowly, the concept of a world religion and the need for its emergence are widely desired and worked for…Workers in the field of religion will formulate the universal platform of the new world religion…The platform of the new world religion will be built by many groups, working under the inspiration of the Christ… God works in many ways, through many faiths and religious agencies; this is one reason for the elimination of non-essential doctrines…” (emphasis added)
The Temple of Understanding

Credit: Temple of Understanding FORUM2021
One of the many groups that arose from Bailey’s vision is the Temple of Understanding (TOU). It was founded by Juliet Hollister in 1960 as an interfaith NGO accredited with both the United Nations ECOSOC and DGC. However, it is widely believed that Alice Bailey’s Lucis Trust also played a role in its establishment. Hollister was the first woman to create an interfaith organization, though the TOU was partly inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt who is listed as a “Founding Friend.”
“Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of U.S. president Franklin Roosevelt, was a strong supporter of the cause and wrote introductions to religious and political leaders urging them to meet with Hollister when she made a trip around the world. Mrs. Roosevelt called the vision a “Spiritual United Nations.”
– David Cloud, United Nations and the New Age, 2009, p. 40
Other founding friends included former UN Secretary-General U Thant, Popes John XXIII and XIV, and the Dalai Lama. It received support from former U.S. Secretary of Defense, World Bank President, and CFR member Robert McNamara. Robert Muller and members of the Trilateral Commission (who declared 2023 as year one of the New World Order) served on its board of directors.
The TOU’s Spiritual Summit V in 1975 was the first interfaith conference to be held at the United Nations. In 1995 it hosted the United Nations 50th anniversary celebration. The TOU is an “active member of the NGO community working on the inside of the United Nations to advance social justice,” and is heavily involved in climate activism in support of the UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Some of the Temple’s most recent events include:
- Towards Ending Poverty and Building Ecojustice for Women and Communities
- Taking Stock of our Ambition: Faith-based Climate Action at the United Nations
- Earth Democracy: Rights of Nature Forum 2023
- Buddhists Engaging at the UN: Environmental Policy Efforts
- Science, Spirituality, the Climate Emergency and Our Future
At their 2023 conference on ecojustice, comments by Rev. Victor Kazanjian, the current executive director of the United Religions Initiative encapsulates all the key “oneness” rhetoric of the disciples of Blavatsky, Bailey, and Teilhard de Chardin.
Aquarian Age Community
Another major UN partner representing new agers is the Aquarian Age Community founded by Ida Urso. She served as director of Lucis Trust’s World Goodwill, one of the first UN affiliated NGOs. Urso believed the UN was an “Aquarian Organization” and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was born from the promise of the Aquarian Age. In a speech given during a meditation meeting in 2002, she stated that:
…In this Aquarian Age, the UN is as a Temple for Humanity. The work accomplished within and around this world body by its personnel, by the representatives and leaders of the member States and by many of the 1400 plus Civil Society organizations affiliated with the UN are undertaking truly spiritual work…It is for this reason that the full expression of all ashramic energy at this time is directed to practical world affairs and to the education of the general public about the Plan of Love and Light. And, it is for this reason that the United Nations plays such a pivotal role in the liberation of humanity.”
From 2004 to 2013 the organization produced a monthly newsletter titled The Spiritual Work of the United Nations and the Liberation of Humanity. Its purpose was to direct the energy and work of the “New Group of World Servers” (a term used by Alice Bailey for those advancing the ideology of planetary oneness) toward advancing the UNs global goals. Expounding on the work of her Aquarian community, Urso stated:
Recognizing all those throughout the world who are focused within the heart center of the New Group of World Servers, identifying with this esoteric nucleus of trained occult workers everywhere in the world…the Aquarian Age Community is both a subjective and objective world-wide community.”
Parliament of World Religions

Source: ® The Parliament of the World’s Religions
In 1893, 400 leaders from many denominations and religions seeking commonalty convened in Chicago in what became known as the Parliament of World Religions. It was a watershed event that ignited the interfaith movement. Theosophists were well represented and challengers to Christianity were plentiful. The gathering demonstrated,
…the intensity of the crisis that American Christianity was experiencing at this time. The crisis included the challenges of urbanism, industrialism, Darwinism, naturalism, and biblical criticism. The Parliament did not of itself destroy the Protestant hegemony, but contributed to this by symbolizing the changes taking place…They provided Asian religions with an apologetic to resist Christian missionary pressure and indeed to suggest that the wisdom of the East is superior to Christianity.”
– Marcus Braybrooke, Pilgrimage of Hope: One Hundred Years of Global Interfaith Dialogue, 1992, p. 42
Now an international, faith-based 501(c) headquartered in Chicago, the renamed Parliament of the World’s Religions is a UN Department of Global Communications affiliated NGO. It differentiates from other interfaith organizations by emphasizing interreligious harmony rather than unity. If focuses on climate action, fostering a global ethic, helping indigenous peoples, cultivating the next generation, promoting peace & justice, and advancing women’s dignity.
At the 1993 Parliament, an assembly of 250 religious and spiritual leaders endorsed Towards a Global Ethic: An Initial Declaration, a document formulating core values commonly found in religions to be used to form a global ethic. The Declaration states:
As religious and spiritual persons we base our lives on an Ultimate Reality, and draw spiritual power and hope therefrom, in trust, in prayer or meditation, in word or silence. We have a special responsibility for the welfare of all humanity and care for the planet Earth. We do not consider ourselves better than other women and men, but we trust that the ancient wisdom of our religions can point the way for the future.”
The document affirms a commitment to religious tolerance, noting that:
Representatives of religions who dismiss other religions as of little value and who preach fanaticism and intolerance instead of respect and understanding… deserve the condemnation of humankind and the loss of their adherents.”
Notice again the dig aimed at “intolerant fanatics” who they feel deserve condemnation!
The Parliament’s 2023 conference on Defending Freedom & Human Rights drew over 8,000 attendees from over 200 faith organizations. Notable speakers included current UN Secretary-General António Guterres, former U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Karenna Gore, daughter of climate evangelist and former U.S. Vice President Al Gore. It was sponsored by a variety of churches and organizations such as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Earth Charter International, World Council of Muslims for Interfaith Relations, and The Catholic Association of Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers.
Attendees had over eight hundred sessions to choose from with many concentrated on protecting and expanding human rights for the oppressed. However, there were many sessions focused on occult, new age, globalist, and anti-Christian teachings and practices including:
- A Druid Ritual for the Four Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air
- A Treaty to Stop Fossil Fuels
- An Interfaith Call to Action on Climate Change
- Ancient Maya Healing Fire Ceremony
- And Muhammad Is His Messenger: The Veneration of the Prophet in Islamic Piety via Poetry
- Beyond the Box: When Religion Limits, How Can We Use It as a Stepping-Stone to a Mystical Experience?
- Climate Repentance Ceremony
- Cracking the Zoroastrian Code: Messages from the Oldest Recorded Faith
- Discover Your Divinity: A Modern Approach to Affirmative Prayer
- Festivals of the Dead: Día de Muertos and Samhain
- Geomancy: The Interfaith Divinatory System
- Goddess Speaks, Our Earth Has a Voice
- Healing the Witch Trauma
- How New Thought Christianity Heals Communities through Empowerment
- LGBTIQ+ Speaking Truth to Power: Reclaiming Faith and Empowering Spirituality
- Paganism Rocks: Inspirational Symbols for Your Life’s Journey
- Quantum Meditation – A Multi-faith Experience to Accessing Your Deeper Spiritual Heart
- Queer Spirituality
- Rise of White Christian Nationalism: Threats to US Democracy
- Sacred Circle Dance in the Findhorn Tradition; Dancing the Four Paths of Creation Spirituality
- Technology as Religion, Religion as Technology: How to Flourish in the Post-human Age
- Teilhard’s Synthesis as Impetus for Greater Care for Our Earth
- The Gnostic Liturgy of Temple Sophia: A Religious Observance
- The Labyrinth: An Interfaith Tool for Transformation
- The Swastika Exhibit
- Threats to Religious Pluralism and Freedom in the United States
- Transforming Food Systems with Spiritual Values at the UN
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Power of Science with Faith
From this sampling it appears that the freedom and human rights championed were to ensure that just about any religious belief and practice is deemed acceptable and valid except biblical Christianity. This acceptance even extends to psychedelic drugs as the 2018 Parliament of the World’s Religions placed special emphasis on ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic tea made from the leaves of native South American plants.
During the conference, indigenous peoples of the Amazon spoke about the ayahuasca spiritual movement on the main stage, held a fundraising event sponsored by the Toronto Psychedelic Society, manned a booth in the exhibit hall, and gave several presentations on plant medicines.
Author Carl Teichrib attended the 2018 conference in Toronto and observed that:
Ironically, the 2018 Parliament theme was the power of love and inclusion. Obviously, this is only the case if you agree with the globalist-leftist-interfaith narrative…Watch as the cultural language changes, once again, toward disparaging evangelical Christians and conservatives. A new label is being applied; you are no longer fundamentalists or extremists – now you are a supremacist.”
The Parliament’s year-long Focus24 initiative, Faith, Democracy, and Our Common Future: Shaping a Path Forward will build on the 2023 conference by centering attention on the collective concern for human rights, freedom, and democracy. The question is whose rights, freedoms, and ideas of democracy are being supported?
The Rest of the List
Besides the three major organizations profiled, there are many other interfaith and new age associations with ties to the UN all working toward similar goals, including:
- UN Spiritual Caucus
- Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations
- Club of Budapest
- Religions for Peace
- Heavenly Culture, World Peace – Restoration of Light (HCWP)
- International Association for Religious Freedom
- G20 Interfaith Forum
- Interfaith Alliance
- World Evangelical Alliance
- World Council of Religious Leaders
- Baha’i International Community
- Association for Global New Thought
- Unitarian Universalist Association
- Higher Committee for Human Fraternity
- Unity and Unity Worldwide Ministries
- Affiliated New Thought Network
- United Church of Christ
- NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief
- World Interfaith Network
- Pax Christi International
- Fellowship of Reconciliation
- Institute for Planetary Synthesis
- NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns (CSVGC-NY)
There are also a multitude of celebrations, events, and gatherings where leaders, laypersons, and political allies meet to collaborate, celebrate, and plan for the global future. A sampling includes:
- World Interfaith Harmony Week
- Millennium Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders
- World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit
- UN International Day of Human Fraternity
- World Invocation Day
- Interfaith Summit on Climate Change
- International Day of Peace
The One Humanity Global Religion Turns Political
– Isobel Blackthorn, Alice A. Bailey: Mother of the New Age or the New World Order?
The general populace in the West is largely unaware that a global religious entity, hostile to Christianity, has arisen and is hurling humanity towards oneness and planetary consciousness. But meditation, seminars, and psychedelic drugs alone can never accomplish its lofty goals without appropriate political action.
As the world’s religions continued to partner with fellow Aquarian conspirators, the movement has become even more entrenched in governmental affairs. The spiritual approach varies as certain groups value “unity in diversity” and prefer to retain religious distinctions. Others take a syncretic approach believing all religions to be essentially one with minor variations across ethnicities and cultures. Regardless of the method, interfaith dialogue has created a sizeable and formidable political movement seeking to bring about global unity. Though functioning openly, they’ve been working quietly like a colony of ants building a mound near an otherwise pristine lawn. The green grass seen every day is suddenly disturbed by the appearance of a giant hill with thousands of ants scurrying about. Strike it and they move about frantically. Stand close and you risk being bitten and/or stung.
“Having penetrated the fields of psychology, science and medicine, the New Age is seeking to enter and capture the world of politics. The whole society must be brought into harmony with the One as the New Consciousness produces the New Age… In short, the New Age political message is: our consciousness is unlimited and our responsibility is total. As gods come of age we must transform the planet.
– Douglas Groothuis, Unmasking the New Age: The Politics of Transformation, 1986, pp. 111, 113
The seedlings of the interfaith movement have now fully blossomed. They have a permanent seat at the table regarding the critical issues of our day and are shaping the future according to their vision of planetary oneness.
“UN partnering with civil society is an important part of world order development; it allows new voices and visions to permeate into an otherwise bureaucratic environment. Moreover, many NGOs act as apostles for the world body, disseminating the global narrative into national and local dialogues. At the same time NGOs gain stature, visibility, and reach – their special interests are authenticated. It is a mutually reinforcing relationship.”
– Carl Teichrib. Game of Gods: The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-Enchantment (p. 321). Kindle Edition.
Nearing the Culture Clash Climax
Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:9-11
If you believe in what the passage above plainly states, forces in very high places are conspiring against you. They will label you intolerant and justify discrimination and exclusion from the world they are building. You may even be branded as an extremist or a supremacist and considered worse than a Nazi. Never mind that much of the prosperity and freedom of Western civilization (and the world at large) is chiefly due to Christian principles and ethics serving as the foundation of society. The Aquarian Conspirators are intent on reshaping society to fit their own set of values. Seated in powerful positions locally, nationally, and globally they have decided that an exclusive faith that demands reconciliation with the Creator on account of sinfulness is no longer acceptable.
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Genuine followers of Jesus Christ are peacemakers, the light of the world, and the salt of the earth. They love God, fellow man, and even enemies. Though not without faults and far from perfect, authentic believers are humble, gracious, and merciful, forgiving those who have sinned against them. Sadly, in the new world of planetary consciousness, Christians are being blamed for many of the world’s ills. As I wrote in The Nero Trap,
It’s no coincidence that many at the forefront of resistance to the burgeoning new world order are Christians. The foundations of the new global order are being built on ideologies that either outright dispute or subtly deny Biblical teachings indispensable to Christianity. In the current climate, opposing issues such as homosexuality, same-sex marriage, abortion, war, critical race theory, illegal immigration, and the sexualization of children may brand you a domestic terrorist and land you on a government watchlist.”
Like Paul the apostle warned in Galatians, new agers and their interfaith partners preach a different Jesus, different gospel, and possesses a different spirit. Their Jesus is themselves (or a satanic substitute). Their gospel is a counterfeit. The spirit they commune with is unholy and full of lies. Despite their threats and nascent ascendence, the world spiritual democracy they are building is doomed to fail.
“We are indeed called to create a politics of transcendence, but not a politics of self-transcendence. We are called to execute godly justice as laid down by God… What we are not called to do is to regenerate our world, ourselves, or our institutions. Man is not ultimately creative; he is only subordinately creative. When he attempts to be ultimately creative, man becomes subordinately destructive, bringing death and mayhem to himself and his environment. The society of Satan is therefore doomed to failure in the long run, but it can create havoc for Christian culture in the meantime.”
– Gary North, Unholy Spirits: Occultism and New Age Humanism, 1988, p. 377
Those who remain faithful to Christ despite the pressure to conform to the one humanity paradigm have the following assurances to rely on:
For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1 John 5:4
If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31
“From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.”
You see, the first part of this prayer is based on a spiritual truth. However, the rest of the prayer (these lines in the prayer that I have isolated in the quotation marks) reveal the corruption and misdirection used diabolically.
The trinity of God the Father (spirit, power, Life), God the Son (Christ Principle, love, wisdom, consciousness), and God the Holy Ghost (mother, matter, intelligence ) are the three aspects of the trinity. Light and love are the two aspects of consciousness …uniting the heart and mind in service to the will of God. The role of humanity to develop the Christ principle, as did Jesus, so that we may do the will of the Father and “seal the door where Evil dwells.” The meaning of ‘occult’ is simply ‘hidden’. The battle of good vs evil .(..remember the 40 days and 40 nights in the desert where temptation had to be overcome) is ongoing …in each of us and in the world. Evil wants to prevent spiritual awakening in the minds and hearts of humanity. Djwal Khul, Alice Bailey, Madam Blavatsky are teachers of the Ageless Wisdom for the purpose of loving World Service. It is through humanity that God’s plan becomes manifest on earth. The Great Invocation is to involk assistance to redeem matter so that it serves Life and Love and not the selfish material interests of tyranny wealth and power. Satanic rituals do exist. They seek to invoke dark spirits, not the forces of light. Since both appeal to hidden powers the general term ‘occult’ applies. Carefully define words please.
Khul, Bailey, and Blavatsky teach a different (false) gospel than what Jesus Christ taught. There is no Christ principle, only Christ crucified and risen again. In Him and Him only is salvation and redemption from evil (sin). No one comes to know the Father without coming through him. He was fully man and fully divine. He is above all.
Jesus taught openly. There is nothing hidden or occult about his message. Loving world service is not his gospel, but a mere fraction of his message. Matter cannot be redeemed, but people can. The great invocation is not the gospel either. The Lord’s Prayer represents God’s will.
Perhaps reread the differences between what occult teach vs. Christianity as I point out from Part 1:
“There are three things anyone involved in new age practices cannot tolerate. First is being called a sinner who needs salvation. They believe in the innate goodness and divinity of all humanity. Second is being told that salvation can only be found through Jesus Christ. They believe all roads lead to God and no one religion or set of teachings can claim to be the only path.
The third and final affront to new agers is the belief that God is separate from and vastly superior to nature, humanity, and every created thing. They believe that everything is God and God is in everything. These belief systems are clearly incompatible, hence the new age push to band together against monotheistic “heretics.”
The essence of Christianity involves acknowledging human weakness and humbling oneself before an Almighty Supreme Being. The essence of the New Age Movement involves recognizing untapped human potential and pridefully exalting oneself as a Christ-like deity.
Jesus Christ unequivocally declared that,
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)