A recent letter to the editor of Science Direct, a leading website for scientific and medical research, makes the case that public health experts are not doing enough to encourage vaccine acceptance to curb the pandemic. The letter states: 

…Improving health literacy is probably not enough to improve vaccine acceptancy. Citizens need to be engaged in a deep process of psychological acceptance, in order to adopt a socially responsible approach to COVID-19 preventive behaviors. …Engaging citizens towards the acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccination is an urgent challenge that the public health community needs to face.

It should be obvious by now that there is a concerted effort on the part of entities like the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Big Pharma companies to make sure no one escapes taking a forthcoming coronavirus vaccine. The stated goals of vaccine industry and public health pundits are to eradicate disease, improve health, and lower morbidity and mortality rates. But if this were true, why have medical conditions such as cancer, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and autism continued to increase?

Over the years, as knowledge about the detrimental effects of vaccines began to spread, the Big Pharma power bloc launched a new war aimed at the anti-vaccine movement. This offensive also targeted the growing numbers of people identifying as “vaccine hesitant.” In 2012, the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization, a 15-member WHO subgroup of vaccine experts, established a separate working group to report on the state of vaccine hesitancy and offer ways to minimize it.

According to the SAGE report released in 2014, vaccine hesitancy is defined as:

…delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccine services. Vaccine hesitancy is complex and context specific, varying across time, place and vaccines. It is influenced by factors such as complacency, convenience and confidence.

One of the ways SAGE adopted to combat vaccine hesitancy was by exploring “private-sector approaches to shaping behavior, as well as strategies used by other organizations to change behavior.” The group decided to “focus on one or two key positive messages” instead of adopting a combative messaging strategy. After affirming the recommendations of this report, the global information war entered a new phase. 

The War on Parents

The first shot in the information war to destroy growing awareness about the dangers of vaccines was fired against parents. A New England Journal of Medicine study titled Vaccine Refusal, Mandatory Immunization, and the Risks of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases strongly encouraged doctors to persuade skeptical parents of vaccine safety. In recognizing that parents place great trust in their children’s physicians, the report states:

There is evidence that health care providers have a positive overall effect on parents’ decision making with regard to vaccination of their children…In focus-group discussions, several parents who were not certain about vaccinating their child were willing to discuss their immunization concerns with a health care provider and wanted the provider to offer information relevant to their specific concerns. These findings highlight the critical role that clinicians can play in explaining the benefits of immunization and addressing parental concerns about its risks. 

A 2016 Pediatrics Journal study reiterated the importance of doctors’ influence on parental decisions, stating:

With all the challenges acknowledged, the single most important factor in getting parents to accept vaccines remains the one-on-one contact with an informed, caring, and concerned pediatrician. In a study reported in Pediatrics, parents of more than 7000 children 19 to 35 months of age were surveyed to determine whether they believed vaccines were safe and what influence their primary care providers had on their decisions to vaccinate. Nearly 80% of parents stated that their decision to vaccinate was positively influenced by their primary care provider.

If you’ve read the previous articles in this series, you’ll remember that part of the agenda of vaccine makers and their network is to create markets for their products. To do this, you need persuasive marketing and advertising. To help sell vaccines to hesitant parents or those outright refusing to vaccinate their children, Time magazine came up with a list of 9 recommendations from marketing and advertising executives. Here are a few of their suggested tactics:

  1. Market them to kids
  2. Make it funny
  3. Get personal
  4. Launch a social media campaign
  5. Add a little fear

With the expertise of high-powered marketing firms, government agencies began weaponizing campaigns against parents with legitimate reasons for questioning vaccine safety. Here are just a couple of examples from the CDC:

A 2013 American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) study revealed that 87% of pediatricians surveyed reported parental vaccine refusals. This was a big no-no! To assist the many doctors desiring that anti-vaxxers be refused treatment, the AAP released a statement in its 2016 report, Countering Vaccine Hesitancy, allowing doctors to fire patients who refuse to vaccinate, stating:

The decision to dismiss a family who continues to refuse immunization is not one that should be made lightly, nor should it be made without considering and respecting the reasons for the parents’ point of view. Nevertheless, the individual pediatrician may consider dismissal of families who refuse vaccination as an acceptable option.

The report goes on to state that doctors must continue to promote the message that vaccines are “safe and effective” and warns parents that “serious disease can occur if your child and family are not immunized.”

The following video depicting the “preventable” death of 3 ½-year-old Emily Lastinger underscores this warning:

Emily’s death was not blamed on the fact that she contracted the flu and later died from pneumonia; it was blamed on her parents for not getting her vaccinated for influenza. Emily’s tragic death was used as a propaganda tool to make parents feel guilty for not vaccinating their children. But, how could anyone prove that Emily would not have suffered the same fate if she was vaccinated?

The effectiveness of influenza vaccines is highly questionable. According to a report by Children’s Health Defense, CDC data revealed that “in over half (8/15) of the years since 2004, influenza vaccines have failed 60% or more of the time—including 90%, 79%, 81% and 71% in 2004-05, 2005-06, 2014-15 and 2018-19, respectively.” In addition, the report states:

A 2012 study of 6–15-year-olds found that children who received a seasonal influenza vaccine (versus placebo) were more susceptible to acute noninfluenza respiratory viruses in the nine months following vaccination.

Despite these facts, the media launched a highly coordinated effort to convince the whole country that Emily died because her parents were ignorant and irresponsible. As a result Emily’s father, Joe Lastinger, became a staunch proponent of vaccines, speaking around the country in favor of universalizing immunizations.

Child receiving vaccineIn addition to the Countering Vaccine Hesitancy report, the APA created an extensive vaccine marketing campaign complete with videos, social media posts, articles, infographics, photos, links and references. Over the years, similar campaigns have been launched by the CDC, HHS, NIAID,WHO, UNICEF, vaccine makers and many other organizations.

The War on Doctors

The second arrow in the quiver directed against anti-vaxxers was to make sure health professionals peddled the narrative that vaccines are safe and effective. Doctors and clinicians face extreme pressure to get patients to roll up their sleeves and accept vaccine injections. This is not a game. Going against the machine can have serious consequences. Doctors who refuse to toe the line run the risk of being disciplined, having their licenses revoked, and in some cases possibly even murdered.

As we detailed in our previous article, the vaccine agenda is a monstrosity powered by tentacles from every sector of government, education, media, philanthropic organizations, and a whole host of others. Billions of dollars and the reputation of vaccine makers, trusted health experts, agencies and organizations at the highest levels of society are on the line. Any health care professional attempting to escape from the vaccine plantation will be targeted, defamed, and if possible, disappeared from the established medical community.

In 2017, Dr. Daniel Neides, an accomplished Cleveland Clinic physician, wrote a blog post discussing the high amount of toxic chemicals in the average American despite access to world class health care. He identified vaccines as a source of this toxicity and committed the unpardonable sin of suggesting a link between vaccines and autism. Dr. Neides was marked for attack faster than vultures swooping in on roadkill. He was quickly accused of spreading misinformation, practicing pseudoscience, fear-mongering, and dismissed as a quack. The story made national news, igniting a public relations firestorm. The Cleveland Clinic took immediate action against Dr. Neides by disavowing his column and later ending his employment.

Dr. Neides rebounded by founding his own practice. However, he and his partner have not escaped the vilification and ostracization of those in the traditional medical establishment who continue to discredit him for his anti-vaccine stance.

The Vaccine BookIn 2018, California pediatrician Dr. Bob Sears was placed on a 35-month probation for “inappropriately” writing medical exemptions for vaccines. To gain reinstatement, Dr. Sears had to complete a 40-hour re-education course, complete a course on professionalism, and only practice medicine under the supervision of a licensed physician in good standing. In addition, Sears had previously drawn the ire of many health professionals for writing a book that offered an alternative to the CDC vaccine schedule. The Vaccine Book recommended fewer shots at each visit and delaying specific vaccines for months or even years.

Dr. Roy Benaroch, a pediatrician and blogger, wrote a scathing blog post criticizing The Vaccine Book and partially blaming Dr. Sears for an uptick in cases that may have contributed to the 2015 Disneyland measles outbreak. In a Forbes article, Benaroch had harsh words for Sears and Dr. Jay Gordon for defying the recommended vaccine schedule, stating:

But endangering the public health by encouraging non-vaccination makes them a menace to their communities, and they’re not following the principles of good pediatric care. At the very least, their state medical boards ought to rebuke them for practicing bad medicine, and the AAP ought to come out with a strong statement that what they’re saying is factually wrong and is hurting children and communities. I believe it would also be appropriate for the AAP to consider revoking their status as Fellows of the AAP.

The War on Beliefs, Misinformation and Personal Liberty

The Big Pharma collective would like nothing better than to brand anti-vaxxers as anti-government conspiracy theorists to marginalize and dismiss any dissent. A 2015 Ohio State University study concluded that those who question vaccine safety probably also have a mistrust of government. The study also found that Republicans and Independents are less likely to take vaccines.

A 2018 American Psychological Association (APA) study surveyed over 5,000 people from 24 nations to discover why individuals hold negative views about vaccines. The researchers theorized that many anti-vaxxers are conspiracy theorists who seek information to validate negative opinions of vaccines while discarding scientific evidence “proving” otherwise. The study was designed to confirm or disprove this theory. The report states:

There are a number of conspiracy beliefs that are circulated among antivaccination websites: most prevalent is the notion that Big Pharma and other vested interests exaggerate the benefits of vaccines and fail to report the dangers (Jolley & Douglas, 2014). For some, however, individual conspiracy beliefs are not held in isolation, but rather emerge from a unitary “conspiracist” worldview: that it is common for shadowy networks of people with malevolent intentions to execute mass hoaxes on the public in near-perfect secrecy. People who feel this is the way the world works—and for whom this worldview provides a neat way to order, predict and make sense of the universe—might be motivated to believe conspiracies about science, with negative impacts on vaccination intentions.

The study also identified disgust (phobias and fears), reactance (nonconformist attitudes), and individualism (making decisions individually vs. government and societal mandates) as attitudes that contribute to anti-vaccine views.

Make no mistake, the medical gestapo has a zero-tolerance policy for questioning the science about vaccines. Their goal is to eradicate all ideas, objections, and facts that contradict the established science. They want to crush debate about vaccine safety and eliminate personal choice. If they could immediately make all vaccines mandatory, they would do it in a heartbeat. However, they understand that this would actually lead to more resistance, so their goal is to censor and brainwash everyone into believing their toxic injections do no harm. Here are just a few of the ways they are attempting to root out all opposing views:

Coordination and Collusion

Awareness about Big Tech tyranny is gaining traction as social media platforms continually censor communication about taboo topics. With the rapid development of coronavirus vaccines, they have ramped up their surveillance and suppression algorithms to squelch communication challenging the COVID-19 narrative and vaccine safety issues. A report by the COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition documented how this coordination came about, stating:

In February 2020, the WHO hosted a meeting with tech companies at Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, CA, to discuss the steps and actions they could individually and collaboratively take to address the proliferation of dis/misinformation. Among the attendees were representatives from Facebook, Amazon, Google, Twitter, Verizon, Salesforce, Dropbox, Twilio, and others.

The WHO soon launched its own efforts to manage the “infodemic” and ensure that only “verified content” from “trusted sources” and “expert organizations” is circulated. The report goes on to state:

One of the main interventions deployed during the infodemic is the WHO Information Network for Epidemics, more commonly known as EPI-WIN. Bolstered by the WHO’s truth telling strategy, it provides tailored information to different audiences during a public health event. Content on the site ranges from graphics to videos to myth busters, all of which are easily shared on social media. 

The Infodemic Management section of the EPI-WIN website identifies an abundance of resources, training, and events all geared to stamp out any information that contradicts the WHO and its multitude of global affiliates.

The WHO also created a new advisory group to influence public opinion and to undermine the credibility of “conspiracy theorists” to encourage public acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine. The group is chaired by Harvard Law School’s Cass Sunstein, an outspoken critic of conspiracy theorists and proponent of government-led tactics to influence public opinion on policy.

The services of world-renowned PR firm Hill & Knowlton were contracted to “assist the World Health Organization (“WHO”) by establishing a baseline measure of public awareness and perceptions of the WHO, identifying influences in key regions, and developing message strategies in order to ensure there is trust in the WHO’s advice and that public health guidance is followed.” The $135,000 contract awarded earlier this year charges Hill & Knowlton with the following:

  1. Identifying influencers (macro influencers [i.e. celebrities], micro influencers, and hidden heroes)
  2. Message testing (audience = voters who closely follow policy issues on traditional and social media)
  3. Campaign plan framework

WHO/Hill Knowlton Contract terms

In another effort not conducted by the WHO, the Sabin Vaccine Institute and the Aspen Institute released the Meeting the Challenge of Vaccine Hesitancy report. The committee included members from Big Pharma, education, government agencies, and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation (who they specifically thanked), stating:

“…without its support, this year’s convening and publication would not have been possible…”

The report calls for an urgent, coordinated effort to strengthen vaccine acceptance and address the risk that vaccination hesitancy poses to communities around the world. The three main goals the group adopted were to: 

…create a new collaborative partnership between the vaccination community and social media platforms; develop a prioritized research agenda to generate much needed knowledge about sources of vaccine hesitancy and the evidence to inform the most effective mechanisms to counter it; and craft a strategy to shift the conversation around immunization to one that focuses on its many benefits (emphasis added).

Surveillance and Propaganda

In addition to the efforts of tech giants and globalist organizations, new companies, initiatives, and media propaganda have emerged to further put the clamps on anti-vaccine/vaccine hesitant sentiment. Here are a few of the most frightening examples:

Leaders at Event 201, held on October 18, 2019, discussed how online misinformation during a real pandemic would be problematic. As a counter, the panel discussed the possibility of shutting down the internet, censoring social media, and scrubbing websites that are promoting misinformation.

Project VCTR is a collaboration between The Public Good Projects and the New York State Health Foundation. Project VCTR was specifically created to track, identify and respond to conversations about vaccine opposition on social media platforms across the nation. The digital tool serves as a giant database for health organizations, health educators, and members of the press to keep tabs on individuals, alternative media, and organizations spreading misinformation about vaccines. It can identify where and how many times a source of misinformation has been shared on social media sites. It was initially established to monitor conversations in New York state, but project leader Joe Smyser stated back in May that it would soon be available for all 50 states. If this tool is as robust as described, there’s a good chance this article will make it into their system!

Another recent effort in the propaganda war to convince the world that forthcoming coronavirus vaccines are safe is Project Halo. Under Halo, a global team of researchers and public health officials has taken to social media using the hashtag #TeamHalo to provide facts and dispel myths about COVID-19 vaccines. According to their website, the ‘halo’ represents the ring of connected science that circles the globe. In my estimation, it represents the coordinated ring of propaganda that circles the globe to shut down any debate or facts that contradict their message.

Finally, the U.S. government and Yale University recently collaborated in a clinical trial to determine the best messaging to persuade Americans to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Persuasive Messages for COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Part 1 sought to test 12 different messages meant to strongly influence vaccine compliance including:

  1. Control message
  2. Baseline message
  3. Personal freedom message
  4. Economic freedom message
  5. Self-interest message
  6. Community interest message
  7. Economic benefit message
  8. Guilt message
  9. Embarrassment message
  10. Anger message
  11. Trust in science message
  12. Not bravery message

The results of this trial have yet to be posted. But expect the data to be fed to top marketing firms across the country in a coordinated effort to blanket social media, television, radio, and all available means of communication with pro vaccine propaganda.

These well-funded and highly integrated initiatives will not be wasted. As a recent survey indicated only about half the U.S. population plans to get a coronavirus vaccine, the global vaccine cabal is accelerating its war for the minds of mankind. Rest assured, they will stop at nothing to plant and grow the seed of unquestionable vaccine acceptance and compliance. If you want to maintain bodily autonomy, you must resist the onslaught of clever propaganda that will come from every direction in the coming months.

In the next article, we’ll delve into plans to possibly make vaccines mandatory and how difficult it may be in the future to work, travel, and live a normal life without giving in to the mandate.

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