Control Global Energy, Food and Money and You Control All Humans
by John Gideon Hartnett | Bible Science Forum
What has climate change (aka global warming) got in common with control over energy, food and money? Everything!
The globalist Climate Cult are using ‘climate change’ aka ‘global warming’ aka ‘global boiling’ as their mechanism to gain total control over our lives. It is the gateway to one world government and totalitarianism. Read We’re Back in the USSR. This is very real!
Climate change is the modern version of the communist mantra of ‘for the common good’. But this time those in power are not Marxist communists but international Fascist stakeholder capitalists and Illuminati banksters of the WEF Klaus Schwab type.
The first thing they must do is to control the global energy supply. And ‘man-made global warming’ is the perfect scare tactic.
A perfect one minute summary of the climate scam.
“Back in 1993, we identified [global warming] as the mother of all environmental scare tactics… Groups on the left understood that if you can control energy, you can control human beings.”
“If, in fact, the combustion of fossil fuels is having a dangerous impact on climate, you have a recipe for controlling all use of fossil fuels—that’s 80-90% of all the energy. If you can control that and shut it down, you can shut down the engines of the world.”
“And that is no less than what the environmental movement wants to do, and has been trying to do now going on 30 years [with] the global warming debate.”
– Joseph Bast, former president and CEO of The Heartland Institute.
“If you can control energy, you can control human beings.”
A perfect one minute summary of the climate scam.
“Back in 1993, we identified [global warming] as the mother of all environmental scare tactics… Groups on the left understood that if you can control energy, you can…
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) July 22, 2024
The unelected globalist technocrats buy up massive tracts of agricultural farmland but don’t farm it. They instead invent factory produced meat and I don’t mean factory farming cattle. They grow artificial meat in a vat using cancer cells that never die. Read World’s First Cultured Meat-Production Plant Opens in Israel.
The meat cancer cells just keep reproducing, because they are ‘immortal’ as they are called. I wouldn’t feed that to a dog but they are.
Animal feed is the natural starting point for the lab-grown meat market in the UK, the producer [the start-up Meatly] has claimed.
Apparently it will soon be a big portion of the pet food industry. Read Why Do the Globalist Want to Stop Us Eating Meat?
Unelected globalist technocrat, Bill Gates: “6% of global emissions are cows… You can either fix the cows to stop them doing that, or you can make beef without the cow.”
Or how about just leave the cows alone? Nobody elected you.
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) July 23, 2024
The insane globalists invent global pandemics with fake viruses that ‘infect’ cattle of all types. They then cull millions of the animals off the back of a false PCR test. All to ‘save the planet’, of course.
According to technocrat Bill Gates:
“If you want to get to [net zero emissions], you don’t get to skip buildings, or agriculture, or industry, or electricity, or transport. You don’t even get to skip planes or boats… You’ve got to change those industrial processes.”
Bill Gates: “If you want to get to [net zero emissions], you don’t get to skip buildings, or agriculture, or industry, or electricity, or transport. You don’t even get to skip planes or boats… You’ve got to change those industrial processes.”
I don’t remember electing Bill…
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) July 23, 2024
Even Net Zero emissions is a psyop. A PR stunt. Propaganda!
Why would you even want to get to Net Zero when carbon dioxide emissions have very little impact on global temperature and weather? Read Carbon Dioxide Has Zero Impact on Global Warming New Study Finds, and Questions Whether CO2 Is Even a Greenhouse Gas At All.
The climate change excuse is hauled out to allegedly fix any and everything. Shut down industry, shut down electricity generation and send us all back to the Dark Ages to eek out an existence as serfs.
Of course the oligarchs have plans to keep their businesses running during their manufactured crises, e.g. their ‘climate catastrophe’. In fact, they make more billions of profits than during normal times.
“Control the food supply and you control the people but control the money supply and you control the whole world. Of course, controlling the money supply also directly affects the food supply. We may very soon experience a reality of apocalyptic proportions.”
Professors Zimmermann and Hartnett Man-Made Global Famine: “You Will Own Nothing, and You Will Be Starving!”
Banks limit what you do with your money, really currency, on deposit in their banks. They don’t want you converting too much of your currency into real money, like gold and silver, or even into cryptocurrencies, where they cannot control it. (Crypto currencies will also fail with a banking crash, so beware.)

Some banks have now stopped providing cash to their customers completely.
Australias banks are refusing cash 💵 withdrawals for their customers… some US banks have also refusing customers cash. it wont be long before this starts happening in the UK 🇬🇧. They are getting ready to implement CBDCs. It’s time to take your cash out the bank now…
— TRUTH PILLS 💊💊 (@pills_truth) July 29, 2023
Read What is Money? Who Controls It?
Listen carefully to what the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) General Manager Agustín Carstens said about central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Carstens did this interview back in 2020 but it’s worth listening to now. These Illuminati globalist bankers only worship Satan and Money. But it seems that they have to tell us what they are doing.
“Our analysis for CBDCs for the general use we tend to establish the equivalence with cash and there is a huge difference there. For example, in cash, we don’t know whose using a $100 bill today or whose using the 1000 Peso bill today. The key difference with the CBDC is that Central Bank will have absolute control under the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of a CBDC (from the consumer) and also will have the technology to enforce it. Those two issues are extremely important and that makes a huge difference to what cash is.”
Agustín Carstens 2020
The GM of BIS (Central bank) explains they can’t control the use of cash, but they can control how, when & who uses digital currency!
Digital currency will give governments total citizen control.
Did you really think CBDC’s were for your benefit?@RevealedEye
— Pragnesh (@PragneshMehta4) June 27, 2022
Currency printing was put on steroids from about 2008 and the Global Financial Crisis. After that it was hiked up even more and in 2020 helicopter currency rained down on the world. That can only and will lead to financial Armageddon. World War III Has Begun (at Least Against the Currency).
When they print as much money as possible to crash the Global economy,it’ll be digital from here on in
Cash will not be king, it won’t be worth the paper it’s written on
So the total control of population will be complete
So where do you turn?
Who knows, I’m turning here.👇
— Buntz#23..👊👊👊 (@Bergermeister23) April 8, 2024
The Lord God speaking through Job (verses 34:20-25) told us that there is nothing that the forces of darkness can do without God seeing nor can they hide from Him. God will judge them for their actions. That is certain. Read Christ is the Only Way Out of this Global Tyranny.
Watch the following but know that these are men. They are not God even though they might think they are.
If you want to get a complete big picture Biblical view of the coming global events buy my book Apocalypse Now or our book Merchants of Death.