EU Digital Identity Wallet Green Lights Banking and CBDC
The global bankers want to install a Central Bank Digital Currency. But it’s not a currency. That’s what you need to understand. What we are talking about is a “Tokenised Control System” that is going to be implemented.
by Sikh for Truth | TruthTalk.UK
With the soon to be released EU’s digital ID wallet, European digital identity companies have agreed to form a new co...
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1960s - “Oil will run out in 10 years.”
1970s - “A new Ice Age is coming in 10 years.”
1980s - “Acid rain will destroy all crops in 10 years.”
1990s - “The ozone layer will disappear in 10 years.”
2000s - “The Arctic ice caps will be gone in 10 years.”
2010s - “Global warming…
REAL ID was sold to conservatives as a way to prevent people who are here illegally from traveling or using taxpayer resources. It’s fairly obvious now that was a ploy to take more of your civil liberties.
The next scam is national E-verify. Will you fall for it?