by Robert L. Kinney III | LifeSite News
One consequence of U.S. government secrecy about police, FBI, and other security and law enforcement methods, sources, and surveillance technologies is that Americans have to theorize on what those government employees might be doing or are capable of doing. American citizens might even be obligated to do such theorizing, in part due to the history of government employees secretly harming citizens, and because U.S. citizens are supposed to control the actions of government employees (especially law enforcement) through voting and other civil processes.
Americans’ right to vote, among other rights (including the right to freely live the Catholic Faith in all spheres of society), implies the ability to know what U.S. government employees are doing, have done, and plan to do in the future. Again, this especially includes the actions of local police, the FBI, and all other security and law enforcement entities. (Similarly, though it is off-subject, U.S. government employee secrecy about those methods and technologies almost necessarily interferes with the right to vote.)
For example, the FBI’s guidelines explain, without using the words “conspire” or “conspiracy,” that the FBI might conspire with local police to commit “otherwise illegal activity” against Americans, potentially including violence. One must necessarily theorize, then, about those conspiracies if voting will actually have the effect, for instance, of requiring FBI and local police conspiracies to be publicized and/or prevented. Read Full Article >