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Disease X, COVID-19, and Bio-Hacking the Next Pandemic

(by Karen Hunt | Substack) – The next pandemic was on everybody’s minds as the elites gathered in Davos for the World Economic Forum’s yearly shmooze-fest. They’re calling it Disease X. Hm, where have I heard that before? Oh yes, that’s what Elon Musk renamed Twitter. X. It’s a little disconcerting that the next pandemic-causing disease has the same name.

But it’s fitting. It reminds us that the farther we travel down the road of “progress” the less we know about where we’re going.

According to the World Health Organization, X “represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease.”

They say Covid-19 killed almost 7 million people worldwide. This hypothetical virus would be 20 times deadlier.

“If we did so poorly with something like COVID-19, you can imagine how poorly we would do with something like a 1918-level event,” said Dr. Amish Adalja, an expert on emerging diseases at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, referring to the influenza pandemic of 1918 that killed an estimated 50 million people around the world.

Of course, if you don’t believe viruses exist you will have a hard time swallowing that last bit of information. I have readers with many different opinions, which is as it should be. Please don’t be discouraged from reading on. This article isn’t about proving or disproving viruses, it’s about what will happen next, no matter what we call it. We simply don’t know—I mean, it’s “X”. And whatever disagreements we may have, we can all agree that something periodically sweeps across the earth, killing a whole lot of people, and something will surely do it again. The only question is whether it will be caused by humans or by nature.

Whatever theories you espouse to about Covid, whether it happened exactly as the government said it did, or whether you think it was the flu reimagined, or a bioweapon that escaped from a lab, or that it was no more than a money-making scheme for Big Pharma, we continue to be given conflicting information about it, resulting in continued confusion and division.

So, let’s put all of that aside for a moment and focus on what we do know. Something called Covid happened that changed our lives forever. It’s doubtful that any of us fully comprehend how much Covid messed with us psychologically. A lot of people have turned into absolute hypochondriacs. Anyone coughing sets off alarm bells. More and more people are wearing masks again. Anything to feel safe in a dangerous world.

In the long gone pre Covid days, I remember saying to friends on occasion when I was sick, or hearing them say to me, “Wow, I’ve never been this sick in my life, I feel like I’m going to die.” But it was just an expression. We were young and strong, and we all got better and quickly forgot about it.

No more! People now read death into the slightest tickle in their throats. We are told the only way to combat illness is to treat it like a war. Oh, and we sure do have war on our minds now, every kind of war. How can we possibly combat all of the disease, death and destruction bombarding us at once? World Wars might be out of our control, but we can take drugs and vaccines and pills and remedies and maybe regain sort of control over our bodies that seem to be more and more out of control every day.

The WHO warns us that the frequency and intensity of health emergencies is growing, due to evolving pathogen threats. “Climate change could double the chances of future COVID-scale pandemics occurring. Together with climate shocks, this worrying combination of disaster and disease heralds a perfect storm of devastation and disruption — and it means that COVID-19 could just be a taste of things to come.”

Hold on! Let me just pop a pill, put on some headphones and listen to my favorite pundit on YouTube pull me back from the brink of hysteria.

There’s no doubt the Covid vaccines have seen better days. Not many people are still interested in taking them. But that doesn’t mean the end of these types of vaccines. It is only the beginning. Drug giants like Pfizer and Moderna are always on the lookout for the next big disease—trying to predict which one is likely to make them the most money. In my essay Building the mRNA Empire, I talk about how mRNA factories are being built all over the world in preparation for the next disaster. As just one example, BioNTech’s BioNTainer are portable, shippable, modular and turnkey mRNA manufacturing facilities. Each container can produce 50 million doses of mRNA shots per year—or any other vaccine for any other disease, take your pick. Read Full Article >

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