Join me this week as I discuss the acceleration of globalist plans to takeover the planet, the new COVID-19 Omicron variant, the war against our children, and how the growing resistance movement provides hope as people have had enough of the growing tyranny.

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Early Warning 1984 film

Chaos Out of Order

Chaos Out of Order: The Road to Serfdom

The “Farm to Fork” Green Agenda: How the EU and the Davos WEF Cabal Plan to Control Agriculture

Global Blueprint Exposed: The Takeover of All Genetic Material On Earth

Wall Street’s Takeover of Nature Advances with Launch of New Asset Class

The Great Narrative and The Metaverse, Part 1: A Dystopian Vision Of The Future

The Final Solution. Full Digitization. “The QR Codification of the World”

The Fraud of Climate Change and the Drive for Control

Music Video

Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy – This Is A War (Official Video)

4th Generation Warfare

Contradict, Confuse, Divide and Conquer

The US Ministry of Woke Propaganda Wants to Cancel You, Me, Fox, and Anyone Else Who Disagrees

10 heinous lies about Kyle Rittenhouse debunked: Devine

Waukesha Christmas parade attack victims: Jackson Sparks, 8, succumbs to his injuries

Is U.S. Response to COVID Pandemic an Official Government Psychological Operation?

World Economic Forum Puts Focus on Cities with Public-Private Collaborations and Global Summit

Thomas Jefferson Statue Removed from New York City Hall

Vandalizing American History: A List of 113 Toppled, Defaced, or Removed Statues

COVID Omicron Variant

A Scared Nu World: Here’s What We Know About The New COVID Strain

Omicron Variant First Detected in Four People Who Were Fully Vaccinated

The Actual Omicron Case Spike

Destroying the Narrative: 40 Reasons Why a COVID-19 Pandemic Never Existed – Pt. 1

Destroying the Narrative: 40 Reasons Why a COVID-19 Pandemic Never Existed – Pt. 2

Lockdowns for the Vaxxed and Unvaxxed

Austria infuriates many with full lockdown as Germany warns it may follow suit

Slovakia approves 2-week nationwide lockdown as virus surges

Italy bars unvaccinated from dining in restaurants, attending shows

Australia’s Quarantine Camps

Australian Military Taking People to Quarantine Camps

Michael Gunner Confirms Howard Springs Quarantine Camp Transfers (video)

Australian Propaganda Piece Against Unvaccinated (video)

Bill Gates and Bioterrorist Attacks

Bill Gates: “Germ Games” Needed To Prepare For Bioterrorist Attacks

The COVID Chronicles: The Backstory – 2001-2018

The COVID Chronicles: The Ramp Up – 2019

What the Future Portends: 10 Predictions for 2021 and Beyond (vaccines will fail!)

Quantum-dot tattoos hold vaccination record

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Do Not Stop Transmission (video)

Lab worker finds vials labeled ‘smallpox’ at Merck facility

FDA Approves New Drug Against Weaponized Smallpox

FDA wants 55 years to process FOIA request over vaccine data

De Blasio Wants New Yorkers to Show Vaccine Passports to Ride the Subway

War on Our Children

Drag Queen Story Hour for Kids with Autism and Special Needs

Transexual Wants to Speak Directly to Your Kids

California teachers say they ‘stalked’ kids, pushed them to join LGBT clubs

Connecticut Parents Claim School Teaches Kindergarteners About Transgenderism

High school student suspended from football team for saying there are 2 genders

Teen Sues New Hampshire School Over Punishment for ‘Only Two Genders’ Comment

Parents sue school district for encouraging gender-confused 12-yr-old daughter to think she’s a boy

Students as young as 12 to be asked how often they have sex, if they’re transgender, and more on Fairfax County voluntary survey

‘Inappropriate’ Florida elementary school trip to gay bar angers parents

Trans activists want access to your kids so they can indoctrinate them with their warped ideology

‘Queer, nonbinary trans’ professor claims it’s OK for adults to be sexually attracted to minors as long they don’t act on their attractions

Professor Who Defended Pedophiles Announces Resignation

School Forces Unmasked Kids to Wear Yellow Badges

War on the Unvaxxed

Michael Gunner “Anti Mandate is Anti-Vaxx Talk”

NIH Director Calls For COVID Conspiracists to be “Brought to Justice”

Pfizer CEO declares that people who spread ‘misinformation’ about vaccines are ‘criminals’

Fauci Claims His Critics Are “Killing People”

INTERVIEW: The REAL Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Germans Will Be ‘Vaccinated, Cured or Dead’ by Winter’s End – Health Minister

Hungary PM Viktor Orban: “Everyone Will Have to Be Vaccinated”

Army to Begin Forcing Out Soldiers Who Refuse COVID Vaccine, Including Guardsmen


Global Elite “Fear A Rebellion Is Brewing”, Says CEO Of Large Doomsday-Bunker Builder

38% of US adults believe government is faking COVID-19 death toll

Marine Corps compliance with vaccine mandate on course to be military’s worst – The Washington Post

Dozens of US Navy Seals File Lawsuit After Being Denied Religious Exemption for Vaccine Mandate

Athletes who rejected COVID shots win court case

RFK Jr.’s book exposing Fauci is #1 bestseller on Amazon despite ‘total media blackout’

Florida School District Abandons Mask Mandate After 8-Year-Old Girl Told Them They Should Be In Prison

Welcome to the Revolution

Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy – Welcome to The Revolution (music video)

Protests and Rage Against Lockdowns and Mandates All Over the World

Appeal for an Anti-Globalist Alliance

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